Hi all, I own a 72 maverick half chassis drag car in Australia. It has a tall deck 302w dart block 363ci sbf making 600+ hp. I'd love to upload a pic but I'm new to this forum and don't know how. Help needed. Thank<br /> Glenn
Welcome, from the other side of the planet! I believe you have to have a few posts before you can upload
Gday Glen, great to see another Aussie with a mav ..Im an aussie living here is New York..email the pics to me if you want and I can upload them for ya..if you need anything just give me a shout..Thanks barry scoopbj@aol.com
Good day mate, they have some nice falcons in australia. I sure would like to get a hold of a six cyl . aluminum head from there. Their cleveland heads are good too, Welcome to the forum.
There is another member down under...just can't remember who. I think they painted their car orange...ring a bell anyone?
Hey Glenn great to have you on the boards. Where do ya live down there? I lived in Toowoomba, Brisbane and the Gold Coast back in the day. I miss it still; aw the smell of rainforests, the sites and smell of the ocean and surfing... okay, I'm back now. What good times. Again welcome. And yes there are some nice old Falcons still running there as someone said, Ford even had some new ones back in the 80s if I recall--are they still making them today?
Hi guys, thanks for the welcomes. Been busy working on the Maverick and no time to get on the pc. I'm down in sunny Melbourne and I too thought I might have been the only aussie with a MAverick. Great to see someone else in oz has one too. I will put some pics on now. Thanks