I picked up some dog dishes the other day from Russ, and I was going to paint them black, but when I put them on my car I must say I was kind of liking it. So should I paint them black or leave them as they are?
Black or Argent silver on the wheels. Leave the dog dishes chrome or silver, add a trim ring to the outside of the wheel.
I would paint it body color, but the paints pretty bad and I was planning on painting it soon, so I didnt really want to do that... but I figured black would be the most univerisal.
I would leave the hubcaps the color they are now and either paint the rims black or body color along with adding trim rings. If you have a set of old tires and rims, put those on the car while it's getting painted and have the painter paint the rims while he's doing the body. -Scott H.