Once you add the trim rings....the rims could be pink.....really can't see the rims once the trim rings are installed.
I like body color or black. I dont like the outter rings tho. I wish I had the rims for my dog dish hub caps. Id love to be cruisin those.
My rims are close to body color.Don't have the paint code for my car just knew it was a crysler color.Matched something close sprayed them, good enough till i paint the car.
I like poverty caps with steel wheels and no trim rings. The combo looks beefier. Look at my sig pic below ... the white Comet had 14x7 rears and 14x4 fronts ... looked tough. You need some contrast for that look though. If you paint them black, the wheels would disappear somewhat, being the same color as the tires. Even a graphite (dark grey) has somewhat of the same effect ... that is what I did to my DD Explorer intentionally, but it is offset by white letter tires. If you go for a silver, I don't think it would contrast enough with the cap. So .... perhaps a medium grey if you want to be conservative, or another shade of blue if you want contrast, and want it to "pop" ... kind of like they used to do in the 1950s. Worst thing that can happen is that you don't like it, or grow tired of it, and repaint them again later. With a couple of cars in the past, I have painted two wheels to get used to looking at them and be sure that I like the combo, before messing with the ones on the other side. Painting wheels is enough work to do right, you probably won't want to do all four at the same time. Three tips .... wash them a couple times, maybe once on the car, once when you take them off. After you are done sanding and prepping, put the whole wheel and tire inside a giant lawn and leaf trash bag, and cut a rough opening to expose the wheel.... quickest way I have found to mask a tire. Get that new green masking tape, "Frog Tape" and use it to tape the bag to the tire, using smaller pieces so you aren't forcing it to bend around the rim so much. The stuff is a little expensive, but it sealed well enough that I had ZERO overspray on my new tires.
Mine are black and it works for me. Body color depends on the color. I tried one of my old wheels grabber blue to match but it looked awful. The BLue is just too bright. Other colors look real sharp though. Not a big fan of trim rings myself. I prefer the look of depth to the rim. Black can get lost in the tire somewhat especially in pics. but I still like it on my car. Try one side body color and one side black then decide which to keep. I did this with my white letter tires also till I decided. LOL.
I take it you mean to paint the dog dishes? If so, Do what you want of course, but I'd have to say my tastes say go with the way they are and paint the wheels either black or the body color. Thats my two cents. If you want to clean them up more take some 0000 steel wool to them.
Darren, I think a good reason why the black wheels work for your car is the other black accents that you have ... the stripes, scoop, and grille. The wheels aren't what catches your eye when you look at your car. If asked to describe your car from memory, my first response would be "Grabber Blue". Not so sure they would look nearly as good without the other stuff you have going on there. With the car that this thread is about, being a dark blue, a contrasting color on the wheels is where the attention is going to go, even if he paints them black. What might be a fun exercise here is to play with that picture in Photoshop and change the wheel colors there.
Good points. Your right. My wheels arent the focus when you look at it. Never really thought about it. Actually I have a pic of the car just after we put it together without the stripes. Totally different look. Definitely something missing. It shows how the rest of the car can change what wheel combos work or dont work. In this pic I find my eye drawn more to the wheels. Didnt like this look until the stripe went on. And now. In this pic the wheels arent the focus for me.