Hello to all. If luck stays with me tomorow (Sunday) I will be the proud owner of a 1971 Maverick. I leave in the morning to travel about 250 miles to pick it up, so far I have only seen pictures and know most of the isues and can't wait to tackle them. I havn't looked much here yet but I am hopefull this site will be a usefull tool for my task ahead. Thanks, David
Congrats! And believe me, if anyone can help you with a Mav problem, it's the guys on this forum. CommieHook
Hello and If you cant find answers to your questions about Mavericks and restoring or fixing them here then there must not be an answer anywhere Good luck on your journey and with what you find when you get the Mav
Thanks for the welcome, just got it home (it on the trailer) it's kinda funny there are nuts and bolts laying on he trailer from under the car from the long ride home. It's a real diamond in the rough! The front bumper and several other parts are in the interior.Gota make you smile! By the way I am in Palm City (really the sticks!)