ok.so yesterday i jacked up my sons car to find out whats loose with the front end.everything was good except the ball socket that goes from the pitman arm to the controle valve.i tryed to get the valve off and the ball pulled out of it.i would really like to keep the power assist,but i dont want to spend $200 for the valve,when i just need the ball.is there a kit to fix this?is it worth it?im glad i messed with it in the shop insted of it falling off when driveing.
Yes there is a kit to fix it, I think Advance has one on the website, as for it falling off while driving.....just keep some kind of wire handy, thats what I did back in the 80's, and it got me home lol.
i looked and didnt see one but autozone had one.the only thing is it doesnt come with the brass retainer.i think thats what holds the ball in?im just going by what i have seen it pics.am i wright?
Here ya go http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_Power-Steering-Repair-Kit-Powercraft_3869113-P_21_R%7CGRP60016_____ Alot cheaper than a new valve like I bought.
i found one on ebay.in the pic.it had the brass incert.the ones from autozone and advanced dont.the brass part is what holds the ball in?