I don't know if anyone has ever tried this, but since a few months ago I decided to abandon carburetion in favor of the MegaSquirt module my dad and I built (but have not implemented yet), I just wanted to hear it run again, so I slapped a carb back on with no gaskets (massive vacuum leak, I didn't care though) and ran a tube from a white 20 gallon propane tank (with regulator from a grill so propane would actually flow) to the air cleaner enclosure and fired it up. Proper mix was achieved with adjustment of the propane valve, and I just cruised around at 20 while my buddy held the propane. There was almost no exhaust smell whatsoever, and the motor sounded kinda cool. It was a fun little trick and I think others should try
It's easy to set up a propane system. I've run generators on it when we couldn't get gas after a hurricane. Propane used to be really cheap, but as with everything else, our greedy government can't have you bypassing " their " oil companies! It pisses me off when I see natural gas being burned off, but it is only used in a very small percentage of vehicles! Clean fuel and it's just being thrown away!
My thoughts exactly. I ran both of my 5kW generators off it yesterday and my '81 Honda Express two-stroke scooter ran amazingly off of propane and oil!
I have no intent on fully converting it but it wouldn't be too difficult (though I'm going to use propane to test my DIY fuel injection setup since I don't have funds for an electric fuel pump yet), it's a fun trick you can show to your buddies/fool your friends with If you flip a propane tank over liquid propane flows out (giving a really rich mix) so I was even able to do a burnout with my friend tilting the tank to keep the motor running and using the throttle to change the mix. Fun times!
theve been selling propane kits for years, but you can doit yourself cheaper Propane burns clean and keeps the engine clean too! only thing is, it'll do better with 11.1 and up compression ratio
Hmmm...thinking about running super unleaded, and hitting the nitrous switch with nitrous and propane going in, to increase the octane during the nitrous boost... Any ideas pro or con on this idea???
Aside from additional complexity of your nitrous system I don't think there's any reason why that wouldn't work.
Nat gas is something like 120 octane, so it should mellow out the mix keeping it from pinging. Should make it all less volatile.
make one run with and one without and see what the diff. is... how many runs you got on your nitrous?
I worked for a company that had both in the service vans, the NG vans sucked! The Propane one's hauled ass!
years ago i seen a natural gass twin turbo set up in a magazine.it was making 800hp.i really wanted to do it but with money tight {i was 18}and not wanting to have a huge heavy metal tank in the trunk,i decided to forget about it.i have a friend that lives in aust.and evey car he builds runs on lp.its weird seeing a blown 37 willys running on lp.