So I recently got the 69 1/2 from my little sister... Car runs fine, no noticable misfires at @ any RPM, etc.. Except for a strange issue... When the car hasn't warmed up past 190(to about 200-210) it tries to stall and the carb spits when I part throttle it while in gear this only happens below about 25 mph and when the car hasnt passed the 190 mark on my temp gauge... Points, cap, rotor, plugs and vacuum modulator are new... Carb is rebuilt however I think the gaskets may be beginning to leak again... This MAY be the issue but I don't think temperature (10-20 degrees) would affect that. Any ideas guys? All help will be greatly appreciated!
its possable that you have a vaccum leak and with the extra heat it seals.are you running an alum.intake?carb spacer?you could alway try the starting fluid trick to see if you have a leak.
HMMMMM! These ideas intrigued me so much that I went outside this morning when it was like 50° out and did the spray trick and yep! The car bogged down like crazy when I sprayed the body of the carb with some carb cleaner.. Nothing happened when I sprayed the base so its gotta be the gasket in the middle.. Replaced all the vac lines while I was out there too! Gonna go order a gasket kit for the carb and check the choke as well! Thanks guys! OH before I forget, The 69.5 has a bone stock 170
If there are a lot of miles on the carb, there might be a leak around the throttle shaft. Any wiggle would indicate a problem there.
My 6 cylinder 200 runs at 175-185. You are running WAAAAY too hot for one thing. I had my PCV valve malfunction you might check that..
Changed the PCV valve, I really have to let the sit for quite a while(like a long drive through line at Del Taco) to get to that temperature.. Normally she runs at about 180... I just bought a rebuild kit and noticed one of the bolts on the carb is stripped, so I'll take care of that. Checked the carb's throttle shaft and linkage, all is tight and well... Also checked the kick down, that didn't have any play at WOT. Again, the car will idle perfectly, and when she is warmed up to about 195 minimum, will run beautifully... Kickdown works perfectly as well.. And the little 170 has decent power through the entire rev range(when she is warmed up lol)
After I added a fan shroud (from a Mustang) I stopped overheating at stop lights 405 fwy and Del Taco.
I had the same issue when I had the inline6. If I didnt let it warm up it would die trying to take off from a stop sign or light. My friend came over adjusted the airfuel mixture screw and choke never had the problem again.
Will definitely do some junkyard diving for a shroud... Still don't have one on the Comet either after 4 years LOL The Champion radiator doesn't let it warm up! I'll also look into fiddling the the a/f screw.. Hopefully I don't make it worse LOL Thanks for the help guys!