bought a performance shortblock and assembled using a standard pressure oil pump.Primed with old distributor and got 41 lbs.after installing,but after 15 minutes run time,pressure is down to 12 psi@1000 rpms@205 degrees and only 22@2000rpms.Engine sounds great,but pressure looks too low.Used 10-30 with zinc additive.Your thoughts?
Joe is right here - Ford uses very tight bearing clearance specs and if that clearance is increased the pressure drops at idle. If you want more oil go to a high volume (not high pressure) pump. The increase in flow will raise the pressure you see at idle and allow some margin for wear in the future. Thicker oil is not always a good idea, it depends on the outside temps you have to face when driving. If you don't drive it in the winter then it might be ok to switch to 10-40 or even 20- 50 but if you have to start it mid-winter in temps that are below freezing it may not want to crank with the thicker oil.
DDB-already got a milodon pump shaft in.Is there enough room to raise the engine and drop the pan or plan on pulling the engine/trans?
oil pan You can pull the oil pan by taking off the belly bar and the idler arm bolts where it bolts to the frame. I have done this job in two hour without a lift.
Me too, although it took me a lot longer. Its not a bad job. Good idea to drain the oil and let it sit for several hours before you pull the pan so its not dripping on you.
If you bought this "performance" shortblock what were the clearences set on the mains and rod bearings. This should have been provided with the motor..........assuming you got paperwork with the motor. As a general rule of thumb 10psi for every 1000rpm.............although this rule is over 30 years old it's still pretty close, although 12psi at idle is lower than I would like to see. I have always looked at 20psi being the lowest I would accept at idle when the motor is warmed up. Another thing to remember is during break-in a new motor does generate a lot of heat and I've seen exhaust temperatures approaching 2000 degrees unless you have the bearings and pistons coated. Are you sure all of the oil galley plugs were tight? What was the oil pressure at 3000rpm? IMHO
your suposed to run it at 2000rpm for 20 minutes just to break-in the cam.also most cam co.want you to use straight 30w oil for break-in.205deg sounds REALLY HOT to me.its fine for new cars but if mine ever gets above 195deg it gets shut off!
ive seen the cam retaining plate put on upside down and cause this type of oil pressure. the motor that came i my car had this problem.
also the paper work should tell you what oil to run and what oil pressure you should the company and talk to them...
Called the engine company today and was asked to run hot and cold test at idle and 3k.39 cold idle-47 cold 3k.180 idle 16,180@3k 32,205 idle12,205@3k 29.Cam plate is installed correctly and came from roller cam(read that there was a difference).Cam is x303,comp cam roller rockers and pushrods.There wasn't any clearance specs with the shortblock.Will call them tomorrow with these readings and see what they say.