I had to remove the head on my i6 200 to have the manifold bolts machined out. So now Im looking for a place to but the head gasket and valve cover gasket. Im on a very tight budget so something like $50 or under for both would be good. Also tips on putting it back together to get a good seal, should I use anything on the mating surfaces to help seal it up?
National Parts Depot, in Canton has a 170,200,250 gasket kit for $75.95, or just the head gasket listed for $35.50.
Get a mechanics straightedge and a feller gauge and check for straightness on the head/block. If it's too far off you might end up wasting your new gaskets. Some people spray copper spray on the gaskets, I prefer to use a good felpro MLS gasket and nothing else. One thing that will happen is your compression ratio will drop slighty. Since no one reproduces the stock thin gaskets and the only ones readily available are around .050 thick.
No sealer required on todays' head gaskets. As far as the valve cover gasket...I always use rtv sealant and glue the gasket to the valve cover and that's it.
felpro headgasket are $25 at any auto parts store (autozone,orielly,etc) and the valve cover gaskets are $10. no need for any sealer anywhere