Thanks for clearing that up. I read what you said earlier, but it seemed like everyone was referring to it being your car so that was why I was confused. I hope you didn't take my question as me being a smart a$$, sometimes writing something doesn't convey the feeling behind the words.
No need for power steering with the rack it handles like a dream. No power brakes either...still no need.
pass26106 street smart trans from performance automatic has the correct sfi bellhousing or they can get the bell housing alone #pa 26477 Straight from the horses mouth. Tranny adapter question ...
I will pass that along.... Here are a couple more pics...again not great but I keep maxing out the file size limit so I am gonna have to figure that out. I will have to post some hi resolution pics on the web and pass on the link when I have time. My car was on the hoist so I couldnt get underneath yet..... Herte is a link to the front end. It is From Rod and Custom and they have a front end kit designed just for the maverick. They also have the motor mounts for the Coyote motor and for an extra 150 bucks they will weld them in the right place for you. They have a jig for the coyote motor also
IMO that would be well worth the $150 over the time it would take to trail and error fitting the Coyote motor in the body.
exactly....thought it was strange that they have jigs and front ends for the modular motor since this is the first one I have seen or even heard of....not that I have watched that close. The Rod and custom kit even comes with pre bent brackets to weld it to the frame. A very complete I was told.
When I purchased my front suspension from rod and custom I had planned to use a 351w but changed my mind when the new coyote 5.0L came out. They welded in all the engine supports for a 351w. I hope its not going to be an nightmare to change for a coyote engine. The supports might be to close together or to far apart aswell as to low or to high. We will see.
You can resize them down then you'll be able to upload them. Or photobucket will let you upload them at any size, then just use the BB code to upload them here. We need some DSLR pictures of that car
Got a 11 megapixel DSLR camera shoots great pics.... Next nice day I will get some outside pics on the DSLR and upload them to photobucket and post the links. Sorry for the delay..... I will still try and get some video as well. Putting a Maggie on a challenger right now....once we get the tune in it I will have more time. Still trying to figure out this tunnning thing. Closest dyno and tuner is a long way away so if I can figure out this darn scan tool I'm good
A link to updated pictures: