I am getting annoyed here. Just replaced rear main seal thinking it was the leak issue. Maybe i got a bad (new) seal...i dunno. old seal was still looking pretty good. two piece. I even offset them to make sure i overlapped the metal. replaced all rod and main bearings. They needed it. Engine is strong. smokes a little(white) but a hell of a lot better after replacing the vaccum modulator....(seems to have failed and I was burning tranny fluid with the oil) !!! Anyhow, my mav still leaks oil around where the rear main seal is.... I can EASILY GO THOUGH A QT OF OIL EVERY DAY/ 1/2 JUST DIVING AROUND TOWN........ MAYBE 80 MILES? I am waisting a lot of money and every since this leaking started my oil light comes on which only makes sense. It only blinks when i am at idle when at a stoplight. Are there any other seals around there that could be causing this? I have looked around and I am 100% its only engine oil leaking and not tranny fluid.... tranny dipstick has showed the same level for weeks after replacing the modulator.
Did u check the end play on the crankshaft?? Which engine? Oil gallery plug in rear of block leaking or cam plug?
I DUNNO HOW to do that! LOL! sounds simple enough! the engine is a 302! are the oil gallery and cam plug easy to get too?
Push the crankshaft fully rear ward and pull fully forward at the crank pulley. You should have about 4-10 thousands movement in the crank. I hope that spec is right. Its close anyhow. .010" Is very little. You'll know if its out of spec. The average credit card is about .030"
there are pipe plugs in the back of the motor above the crankshaft. these plug off the oil galleries for the lifters. if one had come out or backed off some it will leak badly. did you put any sealant on the rear main cap where i contacts the block? it can leak oil along that edge.
at this rate you should be able to clean everything up and then see where it is leaking, without running the engine. just add a couple of extra quarts of oil to get well above the crank seal. note:when i remove overfilled oil...i remove oil filter, drain and reinstall it....spin engine over. then if need to remove more...repeat. ...:Handshake...
If you installed new crank/rod bearings and yo uare still seeing low oil pressure...There is excessive clearance between the journals and bearings...It will leak past the rear main no matter what you do. For future reference...seals go becuase what ever is riding against them is worn causing loads that kill the seal.
have had car only a year and a half and is my daily driver..... never had the engine out or messed with the flexplate bolts