72 maverick, not sure on engine year not sure where to find the vin on it. Its an i6 200. I see C8DE and B015 B under that on the exhaust side of the engine block. I had removed the head and I have reinstalled it. I am not sure where some hoses go or if i even need them. here are pics of different ports without hoses. two on the distributor, 3 on the egr thing (the bottom on is blocked off), and 3 ports on off the intake. Just need to know what goes where. http://s957.photobucket.com/albums/...ew¤t=3106070730_photobucket_126707_.jpg http://s957.photobucket.com/albums/ae52/borjawil/?action=view¤t=3106070730_photobucket_126707_.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs957.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fae52%2Fborjawil%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D3106070730_photobucket_126706_.jpg http://s957.photobucket.com/albums/ae52/borjawil/?action=view¤t=3106070730_photobucket_126707_.jpg#!oZZ3QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs957.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fae52%2Fborjawil%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D3106070730_photobucket_126705_.jpg
here are links to different vacuum connections. not sure what iam supposed to use. http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/repair/emission_controls_02.html#a http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/repair/70-72Vac.html
I will post the pictures here for you. Above picture is what would be called "intake manifold" on the diagram you posted. Above picture is your Ported Vacuum Switch. You do not have an egr on your car. Probably should have marked them before you removed them, huh?
Here's how I got my '74 250 hooked up...or not hooked up. I have a different distributor than you. You can't plug the port on the vacuum canister because it can't breath. If you leave it open then trash or bugs will clog it up. Vacuum going to transmission
You need to get the carb on there...because some of your vacuum lines will get hooked up to that as well.
carb is on. i have the trans connected to the manifold, outer diaphram on distributor to the carb inner port on the distributor not hooked up (believe it goes to the pvs). Going to run a line from the other open pvs port to the manifold. Should I just block the 3rd port on the manifold?
ok i have a port on the base of the carb thats blocked off. not sure if its supposed to go any where? and does the outer port of the distributor go to the carb or the inner port?
I have a 200 in a 1972. I can look here in a day or two and see how it is all hooked up if you don't have it figured out by then.
yea thatd be great. I was told the carb I have isnt the correct one for my year? Unless the engine isnt a 72. Which Im not sure of since I havent found a vin on it.
I have distributor to carb and to pvs. pvs to manifold. manifold to trans, and the last one blocked. Have a plugged port on the base of my carb. Was that way when i got it.
I have posted a tech article on how I found the vacuum hoses on my 1972 200-6. I hope this helps. http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?p=838688#post838688
Thanks! Just wondering what the blue line from the outer dist and purple from the carb are going to. Not sure what theyre connected to. And is what theyre connected to connected to something else?