The lower threads on the transmission did strip out and I put a nut and longer bolt, same thread on the back of it to keep it in place, but it worked fine and didn't have any issue until last week. I have another bell housing from the other c4 I might be able to use when I drop the tranny again.
Nothing wrong with the thru bolt and nut, long as it stayed tight. Before tearing it all apart though, try and take the time to look everything over, before and during the process, to try and determine what went wrong. I've gotten to enjoy doing "engine autopsies" and learned to determine what causes the destruction you see, to try and avoid making the mistakes that leads to such.
I will be sure to inspect everything as I don't want this to happen again. I will post on this thread what I find out over the weekend. Thanks again!
Unless the bolt diameter was too small and it allowed the starter to walk while cranking. I'd definitely swap the bell out.
If the block plate was in place, that ain't gonna happen. That's what it's there for, to index the starter to the flexplate/flywheel teeth. I've use this method a few times (matter of fact got one on the C-4 in my Comet now) and it works just fine with the 5/16 bolt and nut.
One other little thing, if you change bellhousings be careful as the bell bolts hold in the front pump and it can come out on you if you are not careful. Something I was thinking while reading this...... how are the teeth on the bad spot in the fly wheel? Are they shaved completely off or are they shaved in half with part of the teeth still there? This thought goes back to the man vs. auto starter thought. Are the teeth shaved off just across the tops. If you have a 164 tooth bell and 157 tooth flywheel (I haven't done or checked this) maybe the starter teeth are just touching the the tips. Just thinking out loud.
This was actually going to be my next thread about removing and installing the bell housing. Torque specs etc. Thanks for letting me know about the pump! The teeth on the flexplate are shaved in half. There are no points/tips on a good 7 inchs of the plate. Both bellhousing's on the transmissions I have is for a 157 tooth only. I see what your saying about the bellhousing being for a 164 and using a 157 flex plate, but im positive I had the correct one, thats why I went out originally and bought a 157 because the bellhousing wouldnt fit over the 164 I had.