From the looks of it, I can have either one of these cranks installed in my engine. 2M-2MA-2MAD Not sure what that tells anyone, im looking it up now. What does the crank have to do with upgrading heads and intake?
You can't estimate fuel mileage with the gauge. You have to divide the miles run by the gallons used. That is THE only way to get MPG.
Yea, I misinterpreted your statement. He stated early on the he had a Motorcraft 2 bbl. As for cheap and you get what you pay for, that's not always true. It can be true in many cases, but prudent shopping can yeild both cheap and good parts. He wants aluminum heads but can't swing heads and and intake/carb swap. There's no reason he cannot swap the heads and use the 2 bbl intake and carb until suck time as he can afford the rest. Will it yeild THE BEST results ? probly not, but it WILL work. He will not be the first to do something like this, it's been done before. It's no different than doing the complete job, then disconnecting the secondaries on a 4 bbl carb and running it on just the primaries.
I know how to calculate the mileage, im just nervous about trying to run the car and find out how much MPG I get after I hit half a tank because as soon as it does the gauge needle drops to empty. Today should be a fun day... Dropping the tranny and replacing the bellhousing, new gasket and filter and of the course the evil flexplate that decided it didnt want any teeth.
You're screwed. You think cars are expensive? Kids are THE MOST EXPENSIVE hobby known to mankind. Just fill it back up at 1/2 tank and do the calculation. You'll get the same results as you would if you went to almost empty.