I recently purchased a temperature gauge for my 1974 maverick it has the 250 in it, the gauge i have is mechanical and i dont have enough line to run to the front of the engine where i believe the factory temp dash light sending unit is. so my question is, is there another place near the rear of the engine closer to the fire wall that i could remove a plug to insert my gauge?
Thank you for the information I will give it a shot, oh is there any way to hook up both the light and gauge?
The probe end of my gauge was too long to go into the rear. I had to buy a thermostat housing for an A/C car and install it there. Lucky it reached.
Most kits I have seen come with that fitting. Otherwise...you can get one from a good auto parts store like NAPA. Take your guage in with you and tell them what you are wanting to do. They will fix you up.
Yes! Here is mine, on my 302 . Like was mention in the above post. Tee fitting for gauge and light. I am using reg gal water pipe. U cud also use brass extender made for this. I had a brass extender but it was not long enough to clear my pwr str pump. If memory serves me; I think they are 1/4" pipe fittings frm any local hdwe or hmecenter.
Hmmm I didn't really think about it but since I installed mine in the thermostat hsg I do have both...a light and gauge. I didn't end up with much in mine. I think the gauge was $20 and the housing $12 at Autozone.