Hey guys..I'm having a strange issue. My alternator crapped out a couple days ago. No big deal. After I changed it..I'm having voltage drop with increased rpm. It goes from around 14vdc to 12vdc. Here's what I've done so far. New alt. New Voltage regualtor Tested Battery-Good Checked and cleaned all grounds I can't think what would cause this. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Check the fuse link that goes from the alternator to the + side of the solenoid. I don't remember offhand the colors, but there are two or three fuse links attached to the + side of the solenoid.
Belt is slipping...Too much resistance in charge wire...Bad alternator. Check all your wire connections from alt/battery and voltage reg. If it was a fusible link, the alt' wouldnt put out at all I should think. Does the alt light on the dash still work. May want to check there for a loose connection.
I thought the same thing but we tested it at the part store and it tested good. Nothing wrong with trying that though! Thanks!
X3 Bro 3 distributers later. I thought I was going nuts. And I refuse coment on 4 seasons starters or Sears Platinum Batteries.:deadhorse
You can take your running/driving car to a battery store, and they can check everthing for you at once: the alternator, battery, voltage regulator, etc. They can tell you what is wrong, if anything. Maybe your guage is bad?