Im trying to save my Comet from being scrapped but I need to get it running ASAP. I was wondering if anyone has a ball park idea of how much it would/should cost to fix (I am leaving this stuff to mechanics that know a lot more than me). The comet is a 200 I6, it needs new head gasket (i have purchased head gasket so just price to be installed) and rear main seal (does anyone know if it is a split seal on this car?). Its also a possibility I need a new header and does anyone know where I can get the poor mans price on a header I really appreciate the responses and would love to get this car running again.
I think you would be looking at close to $1000 if you took your car somewhere to have this done. Wasn't this car for sale awhile back?
Thats rough I was hoping at most to be around $500. Yeah it was for sale and after a lot of people being interested nothing came through. So now I am either fixing it or scrapping it. Do you know if its a split seal?
Sorry....I do not know but I am sure somebody does. As far as the repairs: tranny or engine has to come out. Pulling the head is a big task for a shop. You might be able to find a shop to do it for a little less...but not much. If you are still wanting to sell the car....I could be interested.
Honestly the head gasket is a very easy job. All you need is the correct tools. Torque wrench, correct socket and the torque specs which are 55lbs first round, 65lbs second round, 75lbs third round. You want to start with the middle bolts and work your way out on each side. Why pay a mechanic $1,000 for an hour and a half job?
First of all are you sure it only needs a head gasket, once the head is removed the deck of the block and head surface need to be checked for flatness(a good straight edge could be used to check this)..... Also the head could be possibly be cracked if the motor was over heated several times or badly once..... I have just replaced a head gasket before and taken care of the issue, I am just trying to tell you the possibilities that could come up..... The rear main is a straight forward repair, just takes a little time.....
Kelly, came by on his way home from work to pick up a head for his car. i suggested we put it on and he liked the idea... i suggested to clean under the hood while we were under there. after he drained the coolant... we cleaned and painted the motor... all the parts that were removed were cleaned and painted before replacing... took about 4 hrs and he was on his way home... head installed...clean parts and paint...button up time 4 $ 0.00 fellowship...priceless
Different person. I think Frank was showing how easy of a job it CAN be if the original poster decides to fix the car himself.
Yeah it has been overheated multiple times by previous owner (had problems in cooling system) I replaced radiator, thermostat, core plugs, water pump. I have all the necessary tools to do head gasket and rear main just not enough know how to do a quality job IMO. If I replace the engine I could clean out the engine bay and make it look real nice (luckily i have almost no rust as it is a southern car and I have garaged it). Craig how much are you looking to get out of the engine and tranny?