You see Craig! Come down here and you'll find all sorts of rust free Comets and Mavericks! Seth ; )
I believe that car was on ebay about the time I bought my 1974. I was jusing that auction to guage what a Maverick of that style was worth. Nobody even bid on it. Oh well...I quess I paid too much. Let's see....but a Maverick for $200 and pour tons of money and time into it...or buy this one for $3000 and be ready to go. Seems like a no-brainer.
If I was actually searching for a Big Bumper car and not just happen to come upon one too cheap to pass up I would definitely be buying this one --- only negative is no A/C.
Craig, Careful you don't get something started, you'll get a request for a later bumper swap article !!! Seth
Sounds good Seth! I will trade 2 BIG BUMPERS and all the necessary conversion parts for a set of SMALL BUMPERS and all the necessary conversion parts!