Well i got my 72 running but with lots of rust for $730. Sooo compared to that id give up $200 more to have no rust and "it was running"
Wonder why it has a "P/C" Comet bumper on it? I would want to know the VIN before I put out any cash for two reasons one is to verify it is a real Grabber and another to have the police run it to see if it's a clean VIN and then you may be able to get the title.
If you can get a title - and that is sometimes very hard (I have one that I can't get a title to and now I can't even get rid of it) it might be ok - although just from the pics I can see interior problems and the panels look like they have been replaced - the way the hood fits. If it is really rust free, and you want to replace the steering wheel and other damaged stuff, realign the panels then it might be worth $500. There is nothing rare about the car and for $950 you should be able to find a much better car to start with.
Those of us in the Rust Belt would gladly pay that much for a rustfree shell. We can spend $2000 repairing rust just to get the body in the shape that one is already. Over the past years ( pre $4.00 gas ) I've brought back 26 vehicles from the CA desert. Made a lot of my friends happy----they hate rust just as much as I do. If it weren't for the price of gas I'd be on my way to Phoenix right now. Probably cost $800 for gas to go get it, which would not leave a whole lot of profit margin. Several of my Grandson's friends now want to build Comets/Mavericks. I could probably sell 3 or 4 nice rustfree shells. My friend with the junk yard has 4 Maverick that would be good donors, but the bodies are rusted beyond repair. I can't even find a usable rear quarter among the 4. I'm gonna order a new quarter panel from Showcar Body Parts-----unless someone tells me not to-----since their price seems to be the best I've found. Sopp
Yes....I agree. If I was going to restore this car, I would want to know is it a REAL Grabber, a clone, or a rebodied car. For a parts car....I could care less. Amen!!!!
What would be the easyest way to tell if it was a true Grabber? where would I find the numbers or letters? I may go look at it this weekend. If it's still there.