Now you can't take that away from Frank, he may suffer from DT's or something...... Frank I say "smoke em if ya got em" just have lots of money to buy more!
For trucks, we told our customers not to tow anything for 250 miles. Not sure if it is valid, our foreman was the source. Nothing for cars, though. Is this one of those auto repair myths?
My buddy (who owns a differential shop) told me not crazy business for about 200 miles and to go on a couple 10-15 mile trips do get the gears and oil hot and then let them cool. He says change the oil at about 500 miles then carry on like normal. I of course got out of the parking lot and dumped the clutch at 5000. I am more of a break it in the way it will be driven kinda guy.
while on the lift, Harold runs his in foward and reverse for about 10 mins. this is what I will do, I was just asking what/if other ways to do it. I'm building and installing this one for a Friend of mine... we're having Frank install an 8 in. chunk meet sat... at my far about 5 maverick gearheads are attending... ......
My auburn instructions were to run at regular driving speeds for 10 miles, stop and let cool down for 30 minutes, repeat 3-4 times. Actual break in for me was highway at 60mph for 10 miles, cool for 30 minutes. Then 3 runs on 1/8 track. Seemed to work fine for me.
I made a couple short 10 15 minute trips and then a few long trips that were a hour or so one way before I did any burn outs or racing or any sort of fun like that. They have been doing great now for a little over a year now.