I really dislike exhaust leak noise too. For a while on my mav I had 6901's and some old flowmasters that ended in front of the wheel with turn downs. They were loud. I didn't really like them but they I gort them used and cheap. Iafter a year or 2 I went and got all new exhause (duels out the back) with new Flowmasters. Much quieter (you can talk in the car) until you jump on it. I like it a LOT better
All of these are results of distractions, not paying attention, being in a hurry, and usually (except for the cell phone thing) are unintentional. On everyone one of these you can give the a cop an excuse of some type - "My turn signal is broken," "I didn't know the speed limit dropped here," or "I thought I did come to complete stop." What are you going to say about no mufflers - "I didn't know I had to have them" or "They must've fallen off."
Except on a well tuned and purpose built race car open pipes are just obnoxious. Get some good flowing mufflers and it will be plenty loud.
Well my maverick isnt a log truck or a honda and being that the exhaust sytem will be new I will not have any exhaust leak sounds either. If i do 2.25 or 2.5 inch pipes of the hedders it shouldnt sound like a truck or a honda. And Baddad makes a very good point, all over town these spoiled brats ride around in there big trucks that momy and daddy paid for and they put Illegal exhaust systems on them and pipe each other and rev there stock engines sky-high day and night but the cops dont seem to care at from what I have seen. Its like they think the sound waves are making there tonka toys move faster when in reality it makes the look slower. Im sure there are other ways to cutback sound other than using big bulky mufflers, I just have to think outside of the muffler
Try what you want to try, it's your car and violation if any. If you don't like the sound you can still add the mufflers or bullets.. whatever.. I once wanted and had cutouts installed. I had the exhaust going out the back and the sides. The idea was cool to me at first. After having one too many issues with the cutouts I had them removed.
just my opinion, i dont think it could possibly sound that good, especially with just a stock motor. but thats just my thoughts..do what makes you happy
The longer and smaller the pipe the worse it will sound it will need a lot of cam and compression to keep from sounding like a "farm truck"
A stock motor with loud exhaust usually sounds like crap. But, it's your car. The X pipe will change the sound a bit, but I would still run at least a pair of glasspacks (or bullets if you got the $$).
I can't stand the no muffler/ no exhaust sound, theres a few cars/trucks in my town and its annoying and they're all bark, no bite. If you want backpressure and a loud sound you can tolerate or need a small muffler run any brand glasspacks or a set of these http://www.magnaflow.com/02product/shopexd.asp?zone=main&id=9443 I'm going with the mufflers in the link with my v8 swap, the muffler shop I always go to gave me a good quote for duals, wrapped around the rear end, with stainless magnaflow tips. The mufflers are very compact and sound mean
Not all towns have noise restirctions, nor enforce them. And not all have a manditory muffler odinance either. I have mufflers and they're still loud. Do I romp on it every chance I get ? No. Matter of fact, just due to the fact that it IS loud, tends to keep me out of the carbs (yea, I said carbs)and trouble in town. Running stop signs is often intentional, not the result of a distraction. And doing so can and often does cause far greater damage and death as a result, ditto for cell phone use, and also often true for exceeding the speed limit. As far as I know, loud or no mufflers ever caused someone's death. So, as you so put it, what are YOU going to say when you run a stop sign, exceed the speed limit or kill someone while talking or texting on your phone ? "oh, officer, I wasn't paying attention, therefore I can't be held accountable" ?
I never mentioned that any of those of things could not have potential serious consequences. I was answering in the spirit in which he posted. To equate deliberately leaving mufflers off a street car is no more or less an offense than not coming to a full stop is asinine. By the way, I did run run a red light a few years ago, due to a distraction, and someone in the other vehicle did get hurt. I did tell the officer I was distracted and I got cited and sued. It's threads like this that I do not spend very much time on here anymore. Somebody asks for an opinion, you give one, and get told your opinion is wrong. Opinions aren't right or wrong because they are subjective not objective. I don't care whether he uses mufflers or not unless he drives through my neighborhood everyday. Then he'll get more than an opinion from me.