I'm not Earl but they agreed the cowl leak was from his bumping the guard rail. ...Earls Friend Frank...
Grundy and Hagerty are in my opinion the best guys to deal with. We had lots of experience with both after Hurricane Katrina. At that time I only had my blue car covered for $10,000 with Grundy. They declared my car a total. I kept the car and they paid me $9000, no deductible. I fixed my car for half that amount. And they still insure the car. I have since upped it to $22,000 coverage. Cost is $170 a year. I added 2 Stallions to my coverage, $7,000 on each. My premiums only went up about $40 per car per year.
When you have a professional appraisal, and an itemized list of everything done to the car, I guess they will.
A lot of ins companies do require sn appraisal if they feel you're trying to get too much. That's where I come in quite often in my area. I am a certified appraiser. I do appraisals for a company called Auto Appraisal Group. If you do wind up needing one let me know. We have agents all across the country. We may very well have one close to you. You can check our company out here if you want: www.autoappraisalgroup.com
the lost keys were for the '72. I added it to my '73 for ...$42...a year more...agreed value...$10,000 same roadside coverage...
For likely the first time ever...I agree with Frank Hagerty has agreed value of $8000 on my heap, and have promise much more when painted. In fact, each year, they ENCOURAGE me to paint it. I get the whole "when you gonna paint it" routine every year. I am up for renewal this month. $168 a year. I haven't put $168 worth of gas into this car in the past 2 years!!!
come on guys!i cant believe no one on here is telling this guy to get an apraisel done ! take it from a man that two cars stolen in one night out of my barn and had ALMOST no problem getting paid.thier cheep (around $75.00)and then theres no question what its worth.the apraiser will work with you on price if you show him cars on here, the company will be happy and if you happen to lose your car WALLA! the check arrives in the mail at the AGREED upon value. good luck and be smart. see ya all at summerset this year for the first time.....matt
I have Grundy on the mustang and American Collectors on the Mav, neither asked for an aprasal.... I tried to go with Grundy but they are going through some changes and I'm not sure I like the new policy they have... So Hagerty is my choice $218 for the year $8000 agreed value....
What if he gets an appraisal and the "certified" apprasier says it is worth $3500? I had a friend of mine get an appraisal on his $30,000 car (he needed it for insurance purposes such as this). Appraiser said the car was woth $10,000 and he would not budge off of that. My friend later sold the car on ebay for $28,500. Car was shipped to England to the new buyer.
I too have Hagerty and have had two claims. They settled both with no problems at all. My agreed value is $15,000 and all it required was a few pictures of the interior, exterior, and engine. Very easy to deal with. Lee "THE MAV" Richart
insurance hagerty is what i carry too. good company cheep as anyone else and agreed upon value.but has to be agreed upon by both sides so if they think your cars not worth what you think it is then you get aapraisel done by a guy that knows mavericks and help him out.dont let him go to craigslist and get his numbers.have him look in here where the real maverick guys knows what there worth. do your homework and give him the information. little time spent can get your car up to or close to what you want and they'll cover it for that......matt