I know some of you have had the same persistent problems as I have with this. My problem really started when I swapped the 8" rear for the 9". I at first suspected the pinion angle to be off, so I added a pair of 2* shims to angle the pinion down. Then I found that I had a stock driveshaft with an offcenter yoke on one end. I swapped it for another, that too turned out to have an off center yoke. I bought a used 02 Mustang shaft off ebay that was rusty as **** (came from New York State, won't make that mistake again) but it was straighter than the first two. Then I discovered the outer pinion bearing was pitted pretty bad, so I changed it. After all this and all during this the vibe would alternately get better then worse, but never did go completely away. I even changed the transmission tailshaft bushing and installed different U joints. Still had a vibe. I then bought a brand spankin new 04 Mustang shaft from Fort Wayne driveline (think that's the name, could be off slightly) again, off ebay. But actually talked to the guy before buying. He'd bought these shafts from Ford, (they were leftovers from production) and offered to hand select one, run it and check it for straightness and rebalance as needed for an extra few dollars. Got it in, installed it and the vibes calmed down, but again, never went away. That was a good year or two ago. I'd just decided to live with it. Well this weekend I had time to spend on the car again and decided to remove those 2* shims I'd installed oh, so long ago....................................... did the deed and took it for a test run. The vibes are FINALLY GONE!!!! dance:
Cool! Yeah, that stuff can drive you nuts sometimes! Those angles are critical. I had a bad trans mount that let the rear of the trans sag lower than it was supposed to. That caused a weird vibration that only seemed to appear when you were decelerating from speed. I found out what a ΒΌ" difference in height can do!
I didn't buy five or six. The first two came with the car, so were essentially free. The NY ebay shaft cost me all of $50. The second less than $100. All in all, I still spent less than what a completely new custom shaft would run.
motr for sporty i have a 302 i'll give you as long as you promise your not going to junk it or sell it. its out of a 67 or 68 couger and if you pick it up its yours.it was running when it got sat under the house but im sure could use a rebuid. give me a call if you want it...513-314-0446 pay it forward by the way i'm in aberdeen oh. right accross the river from maysville ky