Hey guys, it's been a while since I've put anything on here, and I'm at another issue that has me swamped. Finally got the motor locked in, headers in place. Motor will finally sit and idle by it's self. WHOOO HOOOO!!!! Ok back to banging head against the tools box... The automatic c4 will shift into park, down into reverse and down into neutral but not into drive. It won't hit drive 2nd or 1st gear. New torque converter, seals the works. Pulled the pan off changed the filter, cleaned up as best as a shade tree mechanic can. The column shifter does it's thing but can't get into drive, haven't conected the hose from tranny to the intake yet but would that stop from shifting into drive all together? Like j said it shifts and pulls in reverse, I'm at a loss and would love any opinion or knowledge on here. Thanks..
Can you put the trans into drive, 2nd, or 1st with the linkage unattached to the transmission...just using the transmission lever?
Just don't know Ok it's been a couple of days since my last post, had some issues with my account here... Back to the transmission, no it will not shift into drive 2nd or 1st gear. I don't know where or what the plunger looks like and how to check if the alignment is off but with the shifting arm on the transmission it will click down into the drive gears, it won't pull in drive but will pull in reverse... Is there a way to check if the transmission is good without droping? If I attach the modulator hose to the intake will that make a big enough difference to tell? It took nearly 6 months to find a c4, had to buy new tourque converter... Come guys you all have an idea what I've been going through it's been right over two years with this project and finally taking parts not needed back to autozone. Please, anyone, if possible , shed some light under this hood???
You might need a transmission expert to chime in, but it sounds like the linkage either isn't lining up just right with valve body plunger (like mentioned), I know park is basically neutral but pulls a mechanical gear to lock everything in, and reverse shifts by a piston on the side of the transmission. So possibly the forward clutches are worn??? If the transmission clutch pack is worn and never been rebuilt its possible the clutches are like glass and smooth. If you can put the linkage in drive,1st, or 2nd and let it sit until it goes into gear (and it takes minutes) and it eventually goes into gear then it sounds like it needs a rebuild. Also just be sure you have enough fluid in the c4, which I'm sure you've already checked and have right. Just my 2 cents.
will the car roll when you have the shifter in park? how many quarts of atf did you put in the trans? the plunger that is being referred to is inside the trans. you just need to take the pan off the bottom of the trans to see it. with the pan off you can move the shift lever and see it moving the plunger. plugging in the vac modulator wont make any difference with your problem.
Is the linkage actually clicking into 1,2, D and just not moving the car? I think thats what you may be trying to describe. "but with the shifting arm on the transmission it will click down into the drive gears, it won't pull in drive but will pull in reverse... " Could be the Torque convertor not seated correctly on the front pump. Did the transmission bolt up tp the block fairly easy or was the last inch or so real tight and had to crank it in by the bolts? When sliding on the torque convertor it lines up with the splines as you push it in. Then as you get closer to all the way in there are 2 nothces on the snout of the convertor that line up with the front pump, usually you have to rotate the convertor while pushing in on it until you feel it thump into place.
Ok let's see if I can answer these right. "Sportfamilycar" I'm not sure about the clutch package. I disconnected the linkage from the shifting arm on the tranny and have been attempting to change gears manually on the transmission. Each click is a solid and deffiant change in gear so I assume. It doesn't slip or slowly finally shift into gear that I've learned yet. "Bryant" car does not roll when shifter is in park, and I put two full quarts in the torque converter and another six or seven down the stick. Ran motor for a while and kept adding untill stick red full. Thankyou for explaining the plunger, I will have to pull pan and look at that. When I pull the pan what am I to notice? If plunger is aligned what does that indicate? "Ryan" I do believe the shifting arm is clicking into the gears or at least feels like it is with each click. Is there a way I can check to if the tourque converter I bought is right for what I need? Everything looked like it lines up. Didn't have any trouble with fitting placing tightening or any other obvious "hey this ain't right" issues. It might be me but I hear some type of light grind noise in drive that I don't hear in park, reverse or netural. It may be just from pounding my head against the toolbox. I don't know...
Oh and would I have any different effect if I picked the back tires off the ground and tried it again... If any is there a way to check if the tranny just needs rebuilt without pulling?
read this thread too, seems lik eyou guys have the same problem. maybe its air in the system. http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=83749
a buddy of mine has got a 351 modifid 400 in a old 70 something moble in my mom and dads back yard.. he mit sell it ill have to ask and i live in ky
you could have the wrong torque converter. see the thread that ryan referred to. i explain it in that one. the one thing im not clear on is if you can psychically move the shift lever into drive 2nd and 1st but the car doesnt move or if you cant move the shift lever into those positions.
Well Bryant let me try to clear things up. With the weight of the car sitting on the tires on the ground, in park the motor idles the way it is suppose to. Move the shifter lever to reverse and there is a strong grab and hold and lock as it should be. Car wants to do a quarter mile in reverse, break needed. Move the shifter lever to neutral and it let's go of reverse and idle returns to to normal, car sits as it should, no break needed. Move the shifter lever down into what should be drive nothing happens. Idle doesn't change, tires don't seem to move, rev gas pedal motor just revs up, no break needed. Same thing when shifter lever is moved into 2nd or 1st. I can physically move through all the gears and there is a distinct click in the shifter lever with each gear. The lever holds in position and the car doesn't show any sign of moving forward. Like I said everything lines up connects snuggly bolts down properly without forcing. I threaded all the bolt holes with a tap so they are free of trash and dirt. All bolts and nuts seat as they should. Or at least it all seems to go together properly.
stumped trans Take a deep breath and pretend you dont give a shoot. Start over remove all bolts converter and trans on jack slide trans back far enough to remove conv. Look inside front seal you will see two pump ears take screw driver or pump tool turn ears to 3 and 9 or 6 and 12. Look @ conv theres two knotchs on hub that slides in pump through seal. On front or sides of conv take white out marker and mark where slots are. line up conv slide wright in. Bolt tran to engine Get a piece of 3/16'' key stock place against conv tab that bolts to flex pate and measure the distance from key stock to flexplate. that will be the distance you will have to space with washers. DO this and your install will be correct. I used to stand the trans on the tail shaft drop conv and spin took forever made mess and sometimes damaged tail shaft bushing. HOPE THIS HELPS. Oh plunger is in valve body