...tire smoke in the...buff...I like that idea... now to get a pic of that......that...hatcam...is it going with the car or would you sell it by itself... ......
I would give it some more thought. I had a boat, 18' Rinker. It was fun for 4 years but it got old doing the same thing every weekend depending on the weather here in Michigan. Towing it was hard on the car, marinas were always bussy. I sold the boat. Kept the cars. If people are saying you have to many toys, don't listen! Enjoy!!
Frank will look for the smallest reasons to smoke the tires, and he can get lots of new ideas here in this forum!! HeHeHe fixed it. Don't know that pics would need be posted though
Boats do not smoke tires, by the way. Just putting that out there. In fact the ONLY fun thing of any singificance you can do in that boat that you can't do in the Maverick is EASILY FIXED with a rope and a skateboard.
Just make it a routine to drive it every Saturday or Sunday morning before you do anything else...it will put a smile on your face everytime! That may just get you motivated to work on it too. If you sell it you will just regret it later.
I felt that way about my GTO, I was getting nowhere with it. I wanted a hot rod but it's hard to hack a numbers matching car that could be worth some money. Drug that turd around for 20 years and when I sold it I never looked back. I could do the same with the Maverick but the bike, can't do it, it's my everyday good day stress relieving transportation.Wouldn't have to be this bike, just A bike.
If its paid for keep it it doesn't cost anything to sit there the economy will improve and you will be able to get more money out of it and sooner or later the two happiest days on your boat will be the day you bought it and the day you sold it
+1. Garage, cover and forget about it for a while. It costs you nothing, not even time. Eventually, you'll find your own reasons for keeping it. I can somewhat relate with my Mustang. The problem is, I'll never be able to drive it as I did on the German Autobahn as that is what it was built for, in the states. To keep it means losing my drivers license because I won't care when I open throttle it. Lack of discipline, I suppose... But, it is garaged, covered and forgotten, for now.
One other thing, your in Texas, like me. How far did you have to tow that boat to get it in water last summer, and they are predicting it to be the same this year. I live in east Texas, and I don't think we had any lakes with enough water to boat on last summer................you can ALWAYS drive I've already made it known that my Mav will be here al long as I'm here. I don't drive mine that much, but I don't know that I will ever part with it, just because it's different and I like it.
You know if you sell your Maverick you'll just be looking at the ads here for another one! If it were me, I'd keep the car and just store it for now. Things will change, the Maverick will catch your eye again one day!
Scott...Unless you need the $$ Let it sit till you want to play with it. As was stated about boats. Happiest days with your boat...They day you bought it and the day you sell it. Cant say that about the Mav can you??? youll miss the mav once its gone.
Tell you what I know one of the biggest reasons you didnt drive your car last year was due to the heat... Well the major factor in that is you dont have any AC in the car and it was too hot to drive last summer... So tell you what I know your car is an AC car, I know you have the evaporator still in the heater box and a AC compessor as part of your serpentine setup, what we need to do is setup a Scooper AC repair fundraiser, just like the public television stations do. So if we do this maybe everyone could get enough funds together for you so that you can get your AC up and running before it gets hot this year and you can actually enjoy your car. I would even be willing to be the first sponser with $5 just to get you on your way. Of course you would have to come up with the hard part of getting enough enthusiasim to get it together before it gets hot. Well thats one option I figured I would throw out.
SHOW ME THE MONEY!!! Good points, all around. As for the lakes here in Texas, I live in a neighborhood that butts up against Lake Houston, and yes, it dried up last summer. It is full now, overfull, actually, but I did have to put the boat up around July and never got it back out til January. We have taken it out twice this winter. And the boat ramp is free, and approximately 4 miles from the house. So talking me out of the boat is not going to happen for a while. Also, not $50,000, only $15,000. A/C in the car IS a big factor, so I don't drive it during the summers. The wife won't even think about getting into it in the summers. There are potentially a lot of "I told you so"s here, so there must be lots of wisdom on this forum, in regard to having sold a car and later regretting it. I guess it is time to find the cover and wrap it up until it becomes project time for me again... Of course, the driving in the buff sorta puts a new spin on it, possibly making the hobby a bit more interesting. Even better, bondo-ing in the nude! Won't the neighbors get a kick out of that!