Hey everyone! I'm really new to mavericks and mechanical workings of cars in general. I've been more of a body work guy. I have some questions about the suspension. What do I need to replace the front suspension and what are good brands to look for. I will be redoing the brakes and think this is the perfect time to do this. I have a 1971 Ford Maverick 2 door with an I6. Any and all information is greatly appreciated. -Frank from San Jose, CA
I went to the Autokrafters site and some others to look at all the parts. Sometimes they are sold on Ebay as a whole kit for around 300.00. Then changed my mind and decided on rod and customs MII kit, cause I have a V8 with headers and a short temper, the shock towers are a beast to work around. Try a search here. There have been alot of discussions on here with some good info and links to suppliers. Try laurelmountainmustangs.com. I read an article on line, I think it was in Modified fords and mustangs. The article went step by step replaceing the front suspension with a Laurel mountain kit.
I've looked around for more info, but can't find it. I'll look some more, but if anyone happens to know can you throw me a link. Thanks!
At the top of this page there is a search icon hit it and type in Front suspension kits click the show posts button and it will give a list of the posts the links I used are in the posts. I cant remember how to post a link. I found the links and the article here useing the search function, it was ford muscle that did the story.
Click on the search icon type in front suspension kit, click the show posts. the links are in the thread called "68 - 73 suspension in a mav dated 1/05/12.
suspension The house brand at your local parts store is fine, if you want performance and don't mind spending money PST (performance suspension technologies) has all you will need and even complete kits