Real quick does anyone remember or can provide a quick link to that Super Nice Green & Sea Foam Grenn 360 hp 4 door Maverick that was lost to a fire I wanted to show a friend while he's visiting.
THANK YOU!!! Mr. Razor that car was AWSOME if I decide to sell mine I think I'd forget about buying a Mustant II Cobra, Mach 1, or 2+2 and get a 4 door paint it just like my 2 door but with Comet GT stripes and still it wouldnt be close to R Miller's.
I think I got my little brother into fixing his 4 door up like that.. but he does like the look of the Tijuana Taxi too.
Thanks for the compliments. I miss that car every day. some day i'll build another one. I just like the 4 dr style.
Oh! Look a 4 door! Finally found the brother of my car, too bad it's not here anymore...Yep that Maverick had exactly the same color mine used to have...what a nice car...