Not to mention the grudge nights, and midnight mayhem street drags. alotta people from my area haul up there, have been doing so since highschool days.
Just to let you all know 427 is not the biggest stroker kit for the windsor you can get up 446 cid kits
X 2 .........gee another 351 stroker a car that isn't even close to being ready for that kind of power.......
No the car isnt ready yet, however the engine is done, once its on its own power it s getting a cage, ladder bar set up, and installing disk brakes in the front. I cant do everything at once. I have 4 kids and other toys as well. I learned this when I ran dirt track. DO NOT DUMP everything you have all at once into the car or you will sacrifice other things in life like time with my kids. Only one boy likes to help on the car. So I have to spread my money/time out with my family.
I just figured with all that money you made whipping up on 8 second cars at the track on bet night you would have A. Enough money to do all those mods now or B. They were already done.......but then I remembered from your other thread ,you just drop your exhaust to run open headers and boom easy 500 horse gain. Then a 13 second car runs like a pro stock car and you win every race.
No I dnt win them all and I never said I smoke 8 second cars ever once??? Where'd ya come up with that sh*t ? I said running open headers is a big gain if you are running full tube headers. Before this car was taken apart it ran high 11's on slicks. This is not my first rodeo in racing or building something. Now the question do you have anything better to do besides bash others threads? This used to be a good forum. You could use it for tech info and share your builds/ projects with others with a lil constructive critisism and praise from others. Now it seems there are too many ass sniffin enternet **** talking mfers on here, Its old already so I will remove myself from this forum and to the guys who were keeping up on things sorry but the few enternet badasses out there ruin it for the other guys.
This is a good forum and hate to see you go, just ignore the comments as you can get bashed on any forum out there.
No you said low 11 a very I'm the man and you all are a bunch of beeyatchs sort of way. Now which is it? Low or high 11s and seriously a well built exhaust system can negate most HP/tax losses in most case in fact with today's tech it has been known to make more hp/tq ......fact....... as they say If you can't take the heat get outta the kitchen ;-) besides you were the one who started this.......but if you want to run like a whipped forest run. Or the other alternative be a man apologize for being an asshat in that other thread and stick around. Would love to have ya here !
But you're not SHARING any information with anyone. You are being "Mr. Ultra-Top Secret Grudge Racing Backwoods Engineering Genius" and it is very annoying to some of us who actually do know what you're up to and how badly it is going to fail. Seriously.....regardless of how big that thing is you're not going to feed it worth a damn with stock-style heads. I don't care how much you've reworked them. I've done several sets of heads for F.A.S.T. racers and have as much as 300 hours in one set. A: What's an "enternet" anyway? B: As were offering nothing in the way of tech anyway. C: Ever stop to think that one or two of these so-called "enternet (sic) badasses" just might know what they're doing? D: You open header argument is stupid.