On 70-72 Mavericks, the "Maverick" side emblem was placed on the front fenders between the door and the wheel well, above the middle body line. On 73+ vehicles, the "Maverick" emblem was usually placed on the C-pillar behind the rear flapper windows on 2-door cars or behind the rear door on 4-door cars. I say usually because I had a 73 4-door LDO with full vinyl roof, and thus the emblems were on the fenders like the typical 70-72 vehicle. Later on in the Maverick's history, if I recall correctly, various configurations were tried concerning the side emblem location depending on the vehicle package/year. This thread isn't to document those emblem locations and variations, but to document the differences between the fender mounted side emblems and the C-pillar mounted emblems. The emblems I am comparing are a fender emblem from a 1970 2 door Maverick and a C-pillar emblem from a 1973 2 door Maverick. At first glance, they look the same. 1970 emblem on top, 1973 on bottom: Flip them both over and compare the curvature. 70 in foreground, 73 in rear. Notice the increased curvature of the 73 emblem to better match the slight curve of the C-pillar: To better illustrate the curvature differences, take a look at the top of the horns where it sits on the body. Also notice the different shape & depth of the split down the face of the horns. 70 first, 73 second: The thickness if the emblems are also different. 70 is thicker. 73 is thinner. I would guess to save money. Below are comparison pictures between the thickest part of the horns and the end of the 'k'. Sorry the display is somewhat hard to read. 70 first, followed by 73: Aside from the differences in curvature and thickness, the emblems do also carry difference part numbers. 70 first, 73 second: The castings are also different between the two, as some have may noticed from the part number pictures. The differences side by side are very apparent. Notice the differences in the "V", the differences in the roundness of the edges, and where the horns meet the script, for example. 70 top, 73 bottom. The 70 emblem felt heavier in my hand, and the scale confirmed it. Not a large difference with my very un-scientific scale, but still something. 70 first, 73 second: Probably more than you wanted to know about side emblems, huh?
I've never noticed that. The other day I sent Steve a couple and they were from different years. The only thing I noticed was the different part numbers. One was D0 and the other was D5. Cant remember what the third was. It's amazing the things that fly by under our noses undetected.
Wow Corbin now that is what I call some research, I always thought they were the same but indeed you have proved there are some differences
You actually sent me 2 D5's and 1 D3. My D3 doesn't seem to have that curve when I lay it flat on the table though. As far as I can tell the D5 looks just like the D0 and it weighed almost 1 3/4 ounces which I think was the same as the D0.
Corbin, I have always considered you to be a thorough and dedicated Mavericker, and again you have not disappointed. Your next assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to study and document the differences between early and late build dashes. When you get that done you can move on to hood prop rods and headlight buckets.
I wonder if it was just more of a running change, or different manufacturers. The numbers on the parts are not really part numbers, but more of an engineering number, they don't correspond with the Ford part number, or that's what we were told when I worked in parts at a Ford dealer. If we had all the years of Ford parts books, we could see if the part number actually changed. I've had a number of NOS emblems, and some have black paint in the "v" and some didn't.
and for whatever reason, my car ('73 4dr) has the emblems on the front fenders as well and DID NOT have a vinyl top. mine is the only '73 4dr that I've seen like this
That means I should still have the D0 one I just cant find it. I sent you the best ones I had. The D5's came off my car, I've never picked a 73 before. There was one 74, which I think is where that D3 came off of. It was a light blue car with a 250 California emissions and it had the emblems on the C pillar. Best of all it had the first year electronic ignition, which now resides in the falcon