Piranha? More like a Barricuda (insert Heart guitar rip HERE) How about a Stallion Sprint Grabber GT clone. It would have a Grabber Hood, an LDO interior, a Stallion paint package with the USA crests on the rear quarters, and a Comet GT stripe kit.
The only Stallion i have ever seen that i like. Take it as you will but this is just my opinion not out to offend anyone. Stallions are just a paint job a ill attempt to try and make a big bumper Mav appealing Sprint,if i ever bought one the first thing i would do is paint it and change the interior to any color but that gaudy blue and white. It's your car you can build what you like,personally i like the way your car looks. It's different it's not blue,red or white,lets see someone have the nads to paint their car brown,gold or avocato green something different!
HAd an old fellow here at work last week tell me he had a COmet with the GT package.HD suspension.cooling and brakes with a drag pac.
Actually there was a genuine "Stabber" made Except it was a Comet: Someone on this board has restored one, I think it's this one:
I kind of went on a rant,but just had this same conversation with a friend with a 68 Firebird about color his wife wants it blue and there are 4 blue Camaros/Firebirds in my small town alone. I'll be the first one to say i hate the fact my car is blue but i'm stuck with blue,silver or white because if this flippin blue interior.I guess i could go black might look ok.
Ha! When i read your thread's title i thought you were doing a mix of stallion and eleanor and i was like " i gotta see that!"