So i got a header from mustangs unlimited and got everything off (manifold, ac compressor) and the header is hitting the bellhousing and shock tower. Anybody know how i can fix this and make the header fit without doing serious modification?
was this header for a maverick? the classic way to make a header fit where it doesnt is to hammer the part of the tubes that touches flat till it doesnt touch. now this is not a good thing to do. it should be obvious why. you will kill the flow which is the benefit of a header.
Are you sure you got the right header? a header for a 200 will be different than a header for a 250. They might have sent you the wrong one, happens all the time.
Also, make sure your motor and tranny mounts are in good shape. When you say they are hitting, is that with the header bolted up to the head, or while you are trying to wrestle it into place? On V8 cars, you have to pick the motor up a few inches to get a driver side header in place.
dont crush the tubes then. you have to try a different way of putting it in. try from the bottom or try supporting the motor on a jack and taking out the motor mounts.
Starter location on the 250ci changed at some point. high mount/low mount. I can't remember if the Maverick was included but that was an issue for some Mustangs and certain headers.
It shouldn't hit the bellhousing no matter what car it is made for - if that's the case, it would still hit the bell with the engine hanging on an engine hoist
I did get it in in such a way that the header wasnt hitting the bell housing anymore, the problem is one of the runners (i think number 6) is hitting the shock tower and wont go any further
I have the same header...I have a 77 Maverick...low mount starter.....I was wondering if it would fit also....
I think you're thinking about the 200. The 200 went to a low mount starter in 1980. The 200 also went to a dual bolt patteren for either the small or large bell housing in '67. Digging farther back in history...the '65 200 had hydraulic lifters and 5 freeze plugs, the pre '64 200's had 4 main caps, 3 freeze plugs and solid lifters. '63-'77 uses a 3-bolt harmonic balancer and short water pump. '78-'83 used a 4 bolt harmonic balancer and long water pump.