Hello: I bought this. I want to change my c4. What do you think? . I wanna know more of this Transmission.
I personally like that transmission, but they are hard to find parts for. from my understanding... Ford made them from 79-84, and i think the T5 bellhousing will not work on it. I've had 2 of these and broke both, actually broke the center of the case in half.
Southern gear here in Smyrna, GA might have parts for that trans, but they are much harder to find parts for(you might need a donor trans or 2 for extra parts) and like the previous post, they are not particularly strong. It's basically a 3sp with an overdrive gear. The aluminum case is the weak point if I'm not mistaken.
Thanks for the information (danrjohnson83,injectedmav, mercgt73 ). That doesn´t sound good. It suposed to be a Mustang 84 transmission. Yeah. It was hard to find it. I bought it because don't need to modify anything. Remove the C4 and put this one. My Mav is my daily driver. Do you think I should get a T5? Do I need to modify something to put the T5? Can I find a T5 on a Mustang 85?
Ditto on the bellhousing. I've got one of each hanging in my shop. Got both for free. The SROD works, but needs a rebuild, 1st sounds like crap as does 4th.
-------- I read that it is a weak transmission. So, Is my c4 stock better than this SROD? I dont have the bellhousing.
Hello All ! I have a similar transmission i'd like to ask anyone's opinion of, that has had one,or used one. It's a T170-FTS,toploader 4spd 4th OD.Mine came from a F250 used as a boat and race car hauler, with a 300 I6.Would like to know if you think this one will hold up to a 300 six in a mavrick with a (3.00 to 1) eight" rear.Also have the parts on hand to build the 300 six, stock, wild,or turboed.personally i think it will hold up with a stock built 300 six,just not sure how much HP it will hold up to.Thank's
That transmission is basically the same as the SROD, it's just got the shifter mounted in the top cover instead of on the tailhousing. If it held up in an F250, it'll hold up in a Mav. The Mav weighs half what an F250 does. You may have to cut away the floor to provide room for the top cover though.
My 82 Capri RS came through w/ the SROD. It lasted over 100,000 miles behind the stock 5.0 3rd gear finally went, and I went to a T5. It's not bad if you don't beat on it too much. The $$$$$$$ may add up quick, though, if you need a rebuild, bellhousing, clutch set, flywheel, clutch fork, cable and pedal assembly. An AOD swap may be a better option for you, if you're looking for overdrive. Jim P.
Here's a good link for the history and specifications of the different models... http://www.5speeds.com/toploader.html#history
go with the t5 i had an srod in an 82 f100 first one fell apart in in less then 3 years second one less then a year i put in a t5 and havent had a problem
T170-rts Thank's for your reply.I'm thinking I'll use it in a 77 mav behind a 240, in order to get the best gas mileage I can on trips from Atlanta to south fla and back in the comeing year.