If you're trying to adjust or remove big, old philips head screws - such as your door striker plate - just buy this tool and don't look back. It works - end of discussion! 2thumbs: [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Lisle-29200-Hand-Impact-Tool/dp/B0002NYDRG/ref=cm_rdp_product"]Amazon.com: Lisle 29200 3/8" Hand Impact Tool Set: Automotive[/ame] Using this tool is very simple: Use the biggest philips bit that will fit snugly into your philips head screw. Get a large hammer, preferably a small sledge or big heavy claw hammer Use a pencil to lightly mark the the screw head with the surrounding material (so you can see when you start making progress) Insert the tool into philips head screw and TURN IT THE DIRECTION YOU WANT IT TO GO - it will only move a little, maybe 10-deg or so rotation Hold the tool firmly and give it a good solid whack with your hammer (yes, it will bounce out of the screw head - this is normal) Check your mark to see if the screw moved (it feels great to finally see progress!) Repeat until the screw has rotated about 45-deg (1/8 turn) Using the TOOL, see if you can turn the screw BY HAND If you can't turn it yet, repeat steps 4-8 until you can back out the screw by hand I'm sure it works for other purposes, but this one use was enough to justify the purchase for me.
Glad u found one. They are handy. Mine at work I use for those import cars that have huge screws to hold rotors and drums in place.
I've had one of these for 30 yrs, it's come in handy with bolts in alumiumn. Just a tap and there free and the phillps head is still useable.
This is a funny thread. Back in the day (I am not yet 40, so this "day" wasn't too long ago) EVERYBODY had an impact driver. Nowadays, the kiddos think it is a "handy tool". Jeez... But yes, a MUST HAVE for every toolbox, young and old...
I have three of em.. One identical to the one in the link, a Lisle. And the others are 3/8 and 1/2 drive. Not sure of the brands.
Well the one I have came over on the Mayflower and has been in the family handed down from father to son for generations..
LOL - I'm 40+ (specifics aren't important) and worked on cars since I was 16. I'd never heard of this tool until my thread about weatherstripping... which led to a discussion of door adjustment... which led to the challenge of breaking loose the striker plate screws... which led to this purchase. Better late than never
I bought it when i first started working on cars for removing philips screwes holding brake rotors in place.