I was wondering would anybody pay 550.00 for a 302 engine from a junk yard???? he said it runs i have bought things from him before he has been dead on with what he says...........
if he says it runs and you've had good experience with him, i see why not. make sure to get his word in writing if it doesn't that you can take it back.
Around here, you can get newer engines for cheaper. Something that old...you may just be buying a headache..
Out here it's $100 for a long block $150 for an EFI long block(plus a $50 core). Those are at the U pull it type. At the already pulled its usually $400 no matter what engine, if it's an EFI they toss in the ECU also. There was a company that I wanted to try that sold engines for $450 delivered to your door, let me go look for the link.
It's Pam Auto http://pamsauto.com/ This guy on the turbo forums got this LS engine for $375 shipped to his door!
If it was me, I'd look for a later model roller motor. Better specs, especially if you get one with the GT 40 heads, and you don't have to worry about the cam wearing out due to lack of zinc in the oil nowadays.
What year did they become roller motors ? I know 85 was the last carb motor so what has to be done to turn a EFI to a carb ? If you wanted the best year 302 what year would that be ? Thanks
It was mid 1985. The roller engines will be your best choice. Just like the group has said. The asking price is a bit much around these parts!--JMO-
I would say 87-92 5.0 would be your best bet for a roller cam motor. the 85-86 had flat top pistons with no valve reliefs so you may be limited to cam and head valve size choices. the 87-92 are the same and all have forged pistons. Im pretty sure in 93 they went to cast pistons but the rest is the same.
Even an explorer engine is a good choice, you'll pay more for a "HO" mustang engine. I've pulled 302's from E150's, that are roller motors, and I bought the whole van for 175.
I dont remember exactly but Im pretty sure the cam is a different grind on the truck roller motors. May not matter if you are changing it out anyways though so good point. Also the Explorer motors are one of the best bang for the buck, look for s 95-97 v8 Explorer. it will have the standard Gt40 heads. the 98-00 will have the P heads and be more difficult for headers to spark plug clearance.