My car rarely leaves the garage in the last few years, and been down most of the last 12 months. This Weekend I drove it around a bit now thats it all back togethor. I was at the Oreilly across from my house yesterday, As I pulled up and walked to the door there were two guys standing at the door waiting to ask me about the car as I came in. Guess they heard me coming. I was in the store maybe 20 minutes and 2 different times a customer walked in asking the guys at the counter whos Maverick was out there. One of the guys said a friend of his in Wisconsin had just bought a early Maverick, never titled due to a drag car its whole life. It had its floor cut out for a tube chassis and has been sold as a basket case. Then I drove home and worked on the Mustang for a bit with the maverick in the street. Twice I saw a car drive by, get down the street and make a u-turn to come back and get another look. One guy stopped and talked a bit, typical "My friend used to have one" story. Sure is nice having all your hardwork noticed by so many people. I think these cars have a much bigger fan base then we can imagine. If the mainstream mags and Tv shows would give them more coverage I bet wed see more of them being restored and see more parts come available.
I had a customer stop in our office this morning to pay his bill. He looked twice at me and said aren't you the guy with the mavericks?
For sure. If for some reason I have to leave it in the driveway at night I always block it in with the Focus or Mustang. If Im out driving it late at night I usually leave it in the driveway. If I was to put it in the garage I would wake up the wife and baby. Plus Its good piece of mind having the Haggerty Insurance valued at what I think the car is worth.
The only downside is that the price of the cars would rise, I think it's fine right now when you can pick up a body then an extra donor car for parts pretty cheap. Heck even full restored maverick sell for less than most mustang shells out here.
I like when I decide not to drive my Mav to class some days and all my professors and friends ask, "Wheres that old Maverick, something wrong with it?" .....nothing, I didn't want to drive it today. lol
I can't wait to get mine on the road. Next mouth, I hope. It was so cool driving it home when I bought it last summer. Lots of looks driving down the road and when we stoped to eat dinner, people started talking to me about the car before I could get out of it. After dinner 2 old couples ( my age ) stopped to tell me they bought one new. They could not remember the last time they saw one. They thought it was great to see one again. Told me to have fun with it.
Yeah, driving a maverick can be interesting as a teenager...your peers vastly overestimate the cash value of the car, your friends always want you to drive, and their parents always knew somebody who "had a maverick about like that we used to seat about eight of us but that was before seatbelt laws, but they totaled it back in 80 something" story. But on the other hand, random oldish guys can pop out at any moment, and intensely drill you on the specifications of your vehicle, their classic, and any other conceivable vehicle built in America between 60 and 79. And I suppose there's no real getting around the outdated safety, but it's always fun to inform my parents friends that I get 30 mpg, despite the weak old 3-speed automatic and a not-lead-but-somewhat weighted right foot
stories the first week i had my car I parked it outside a Carl's jr. And this old Vietnamese man was telling me about how the maverick was the first car he had in the United States when he fled the fall of Saigon. He said it was the best car he ever owned . My insurance broker had a mav, but his wife bugged him to get rid of it for a more family friendly car
In my experience of meeting past owners. They either loved their old Mav/Com....or they hated it. . Generally I find women hated them the most...figures Either way, they still walk over to one or break their necks looking when they see one.
I'm used to having someone talk to me about the car whenever I drive it! Most folks are happy when they see it because it reminds them of the good times they had with their Maverick or Comet! I just plan on taking a little more time when I go out with the car, just to talk to people about it!