Our 75 has round holes behind the kick panels - seems some years have more rectangular cutouts in the metal. The holes are right at 5" in diameter. That leads me to think we need a 5.25" (round) speaker (and a thin one at that) to mount to the metal behind the kick panel. But I can't really find many exact dimensional specs on Amazon speakers. Can anyone say definitively what size will bolt into that location, or what the stock speaker size was? I've read the forums and it's clearly between 5.25 and 6.5, but I can't really tell who is mounting directly to the metal (behind the kick panel) and who is mounting to the kick panels (which would provide more flexibility in size I suppose.) Thanks again
I used thin 5.25" on my ’74 but I also had to use spacers between the speaker and kick panel to get enough clearance between the speaker and the door hinge bolt sticking through the backside. I thought about cutting the hinge bolt shorter but though it might be best to keep ALL hinge bolts the same length just in case somewhere down the road
I used 5.25's also. If I were to do it agn I wud probably go w/ 4"s cuz I have seperate tweeters in my package tray and 7 spk's in all. I had a little bit of problem getting them installed and ended up cutting the kick panel openings more than I shud have. I now have the pleasure of trying to figure out how to cover an opening I cut a little to big on the pass panel or buying another panel.
After a LOT of looking and gonculating (Hogan's Heroes fans will certainly remember the "gonculator" episode) here's what I ordered... [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Lanzar-VX50S-5-25-Inch-Two-Way-Speaker/dp/B0002YU4VE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1331485586&sr=8-1"]Amazon.com: Lanzar VX50S VX 5.25-Inch Two-Way Slim Mount Speaker System: Car Electronics[/ame] 5.25" speaker with 1.25" mounting depth (top mount) When they come in I'll report back on how they fit and sound...
I can now confirm the Lanzar speakers (above) go right in (the factory "round" speaker cutouts in a '75 model) and clear the door hinge bolts with no spacers required. All we had to do was drill new screw holes. These are small speakers so don't expect any "thump" but they are crystal clear and perfectly finished out our stereo system. http://mmb.maverick.to/showpost.php?p=860972&postcount=13
I know this thread is kind of old but I own a 73 maverick and I purchased some kenwood "5.25 speakers model KFC 1365s and they fit perfect into my kick panels no spacers needed, just another option for maverick owners http://www.kenwood.com/usa/car/speakers/kfc-1365s/ I used some 6 x 9 on back also from kenwood I really happy with the sound http://www.kenwood.com/usa/car/speakers/kfc-6965s/
Im pretty sire my crappy 6.5 boss audio cleared everything in my 73 when i trail fitted them Ill recomfirm I really want to fit a good set of componets up front as coaxial speakers doesnt compare in sound and then amp the front stage delete the crappy 6x9 and replace with 6.5 hybrid audio subs free aired in 6x9 spot
4in mid range with tweeter in kick panel wiuld be really ideal if you can somehow fit a 8in mid bass or atleast a 6.5 in door crossovered for mid bass duty and amp the whole front stage