So now my daughter is driving my sons 75 Comet. She is considering doing some repairs that it needs. I know it needs a carb. I looked at RockAuto and it looks like I can get one there. Being that she just got her job back at Sonic she doesn't have much financially. So I just thought I would see if there are any offers out here and for how much.. In her excitement to get it going she went to WalMart without telling me and brought home 4 tires. I felt bad as I was telling her that that is not how tires are bought. She thought that I might want to help her save money and put them on for her lol.. We had a talk.
I tried. There are some stripped screws and it seems that the base must be warped or something. It sucks air at the base and the gaskett is new.
I went through the descriptions of the two like a year ago and now I am confusd again. The one Acorn has looks like a rbs but it says YF
They are different looking. The one on my sons car looks like the one Acorn has. I guess I will let her know that a "carb" can be had lol
What I really would like to know is which carb is actually which and if I have the correct one. Mine looks like the one in your link to Acorn. BUT is it correct for my 75? WHICH from what I understand the motor to be from a 79ish Granada.
Exactly.. Not much of the emmissions left on this thing. Therefore I would like a carb with no emmissions lol.
RBS is identified by the bowl on the outside. YF flows 195cfm. the rbs flows 215 cfm. The rbs was made for a short time 1975-78 I think ??? for 250's only. Both the rbs and yf will mount on 200's and 250's. Your factory throttle linkage will match between the 2 carbs, but they share different air cleaner bases. Both are easy to rebuild but I preder the YF over the RBS, much smaller carb and better design IMO. I would look for a new base that doesn't leak and rebuild the one you have and run to lowes and swap the stripped screws
I went thru 3 YFs before I got a good one. It was such a headache I wish I'd went with an adapter and a 2100 2v.
This site will help you choose one. Their prcey but great info.
The RBS air cleaner base has a little divet for the bowl and plunger, The YF air cleaner base is rounded and fits around the YF snuggly.