Is it possible to convert a C4 to take another type of fluid? Currently only one store in my whole town stocks Type-F and it's usually $1.50-2.00 more per qt than the generic ATF. i'm getting two rebuilt and would like to know if it's possible or if anyone has done it, thanks
Don't know what you pay for the generic Type F but this [ame=""] Valvoline VV341 Automatic Transmission Fluid Type F, Pack of Twelve 1 Quart Bottles: Automotive[/ame] is where I get some good Valvoline Type F. Not a bad price with free shipping and it comes in a few days.
I have stock piled some type f for myself. Had a hard time getting some last year so Carquest got me 15 liters. Came from numerous stores in the not so near area. Took over a week to get it all. Nobody stocks it around here anymore.
i cant even find generic Type F, I can only find Castrol Type F which is $6.50-7.00 per quart, thanks for the link man thats' a lifesaver. That case comes out to be $4.49 per quart you just saved me $60 since I needed to buy two! I meant do they sell a special kit with different types of clutches? I know anything other than type F is a no no, found that out the hard way The only store that has it out here is autozone, they had 4 qts in just one store. Oreilly, napa and car quest were all out.
If you're rebuiilding them, use Dextron/Mercon from the get go. My transmission guy told me to go this route with mine. It's been 4 years now since he rebuilt it. Still going strong.
I never try to save money when it comes to oils or transmission fluid... You get what you payed for. I prefer to protect my investment. I bought some Amsoil Super Shift racing transmission fluid to use in my C4. I have not changed it yet but I have used Amsoil GM and Chrysler ATF with great results. This stuff can take some serious abuse. Yes it is expensive, but so are transmission issues. Check it out here:
If the trans was built for Dexron/Mercon you can use it, otherwise, if it has Type F in it now, I wouldn't change it.
One of the very few differences between the C4 and the C5 transmission, (essentially a revised C4 with a different valve body, deeper pan and deeper bellhousing to accomodate a centrifugal lockup converter) is that the C5 calls for Dexron/Mercon instead of Type F, so yes it's got to be possible because those transmissions are the same internally. Pretty sure it's all about what kind of clutches get used in the rebuild.
It's all about the clutch material. The biggest difference between Type F and Mercon or Merc V is the friction modifiers added to the fluid. Mercon and especially Merc V is too "slick" for clutches designed for Type F. Back when more of these transmissions were in service we had many issues with excessive slippage when someone would flush the trans with Mercon when it called for Type F. On a side note: FoMoCo said for years that Mercon and Mercon V were NOT compatible. Now they say they are. Either they changed the additive package or bean counters at Ford decided that they were close enough. Type F is a totally different story though.
I'm with Fish Outofwater, my UltraGlide has billet gears and I buy the trans fluid from Mike's Transmission.................$34.00 per gallon...........and I change it/will change it after 2/3 race weekends. I'd rather spend the money on fluid an not on a new trans.............IMHO