Disconnect switch must be accessible from out side of the car to turn off all power immediately to the whole car when turned off, also must be clearly labeled ON/OFF. this is all for safety in accidents to save your life and others trying to save you. this must be wired correctly and with a proper disconnect if you plan on going to the track. - can't quite remember but i think it has to be in a proper vented box also. i had mine in the trunk for all of 2 days until i decided it was too much work and id rather squish it up front with the rest of my junk. Those are just the NHRA rules. it's easy to search and read exact part. if your just driving around town i don't see why you couldn't just run your cables to the trunk and have a solid tie-down
I installed one for these reasons...I got tired of taking my battery cable loose everytime i worked on something. now I just flip it off and then flip it back on...WA-LA... when I pull it into the shop and it will be there a few days, I flip it off and don't take a chance of having the battery drain down... ......