My dad used to tell me a story of a Maverick Grabber that absolutely blew the doors off my uncles pumped up Nova. He was impressed to say the least and it made an impression on me. I fell in love with the looks, the uniqueness, and the cheap prices of Mavericks. I started looking around for one while still in high school, but finally ended up buying one when I was in college. Actually ended up buying another 4-door parts car while in college and swapped all the good stuff into my 2-door. A few years after college, I stumbled upon a 72 Grabber and couldn't pass it's parked in my garage right now. I've always loved Mavericks and probably always will. The fact that they don't get much love from most people only reinforces my love haha.
from the great NW. I tried out a maverick in 1970 when they first came out and was going to buy it, but when I got back to the dealership they had moved a TYPE NW torino into the show room and it stole my heart and I ended up buying it. I should have bought the mav. After I retired a couple of years ago I say one advertised locally. One owner car, garage kept and bought new here in town. I got lucky with this one. It is slowly morphing into something special. Great little cars that a person can still work on.
I like how no matter where you go, you get people asking is that a Maverick? and then they go on about how they use to have one or there friend had one. They are fun little cars and easy to fix.
My brother threw the keys at me and said "I don't want it anymore, it's a pain in the a$$!" My dad drove it when I was little and he was unemployed and gave it to my brother (who didn't know how to work on cars). My brother gave it to me, being the gearhead, and he bought a Taurus. So I have a Maverick now and I LOVE the way the small bumpers look and how no one else has one. I get a lot of people telling me that I have a cool muscle car (DIY Shelby stripes really did it) and I get a lot of dirty looks from other teenager that drive Hondas with "fart can" mufflers that can't accelerate half as fast as my 302-powered Maverick will AND it's REAR-WHEEL DRIVE
dont worry about getting a maverick, theyre just parts cars for an even better car...a mercury comet! comets are way better!
I was about to say something along those lines.. Only it needs to be a GT . THEN, when they ask or comment on how much they like your Maverick, you can say "What Maverick?" "This here is a Comet GT". Bet they never had one of those..
Its not about the car, cars come and go, its about the people. Why would anyone restore or even buy a Mav/Comet? When you can answer that question for yourself, you will be enlightened. IMHO the maverick/comet is the volkswagon of our generation.
Honestly, I was NOT looking for a Maverick when I bought mine. I was looking for a Plymouth Barracuda! I'd seen my Maverick on eBay, and watched the auction (it ended around $1200) and thought to myself the entire time that it was a cute car, and I liked the body lines. After the auction ended, I didn't give it a second thought. Had several cars I went to look at that were in crap shape and way overpriced for how much work they needed. Started to get pretty discouraged! Then, out of the blue, the same Maverick popped up on eBay. Again. Sent the seller a message to find out what happened, it was basically a no-show buyer. For whatever reason, I started watching that car again. It came down to the final 24 hours and there wasnt a single bid (compared to its first go round, where there had been 88 bids). Finally, with four hours remaining, I had this little inner dialogue with myself. A mixture of frustration with being unable to find my Barracuda, and also a question of WHY I was limiting myself to the Plymouth name. So, I bid. She's home now (has been since October) and I adore my car. She's doesn't carry the same rep-heavy following that the Cuda (or Mustang) have for that era - but she's been VERY easy to work on, and I haven't had nearly as much difficulty finding parts that work for me. I've got the concrete vision of how she'll look when she's finished......sortof a play off of the car from the "BLADE" movies (black, black, more black) and I've never questioned whether I made the right purchase. Though evidently, it's a much more noteworthy ride than I knew. Everywhere I go, guys rubber neck and say, "Wow. Maverick, huh? Don't see those around anymore! Great car!" (usually followed by the silly assumption that it must be my boyfriend/husband's car) Heheheh. Love my Mav!
Sounds like you already know what makes the car special to you. In a car scene surrounded by Mustangs, Camaros, Chevelles, etc., I didn't even know what a Maverick was, at first. Never saw one before. Then, one day, I helped a friend-of-a-friend work on his. He was a member of Arizona's Fastest Street Cars. Wicked car. That following night, I watched it turn 8.64 @ 167 in the 1/4. I was sold. Eric
Because of these kind of comments,I've been hanging on to my hood and grill,They are rare,indeed. Btw , while I was one-finger typing this...a thought came to me..WHAT IF BLUGENE IS SUBLIMINALLY MESSAGING US COMERICK GUYS OUT OF THE WOODWORK ,SO HE CAN SEE WHO HAS THE COMET PARTS Perfectly executed , sir
I bought both a Maverick Grabber and a standard 6 Cyl Comet at different times when I was younger and going through cars like water. I drove them for a while and stupidly got rid of them to move onto other cars. When I was looking for a good, solid car to fix up and drive once in a while that didn't get too bad of gas mileage, I started looking at MGs and Volkswagon Karman Ghias. After looking at a couple of them and quickly realizing that I just didn't fit in them and my injured back wasn't going to tollerate getting in and out of them what so ever, I sat back down at the computer and thought about the cars I've had in the past that were going to fit my needs and still not be one of the jelly bean cars all over the place now. The Maverick Grabber kept coming to mind but the Comet actually edged it out for the top spot because I like the looks of the Comet a little more than the Maverick. I started looking on the web to see how much I could find on these cars and to see if parts were still available, and ran across this place. I found my Red Comet GT on here, purchased a second GT off of eBay, and the rest was history as the old saying goes. I will say this, the owners of both Comets and Mavericks are MUCH nicer people as a whole than the other Classic Car owners I have met. Trust me, Classic Mustang owners can be brutal if you don't fit into their "ideas" of what a "Classic Mustang Caretaker" should be! -Scott H.
I was with a friend going through a local junk yard one day when I came upon a weird car I wasn't familiar with. My buddy said it was a Maverick (1970). Less then a week later I had bought the car and taken it home. Eventually I winded up selling it so I could get the 72 Maverick I have now since it was in better condition and more importantly had a title. But dang, these are some cool looking cars if you ask me. Working in the auto parts industry I've had people tell me they never thought they would see the day when the Maverick was a cool car, but sure enough it is. When I was pulling my 72 home and stopped at the gas station I had two people come up and ask about it. These cars are something special.