Yes I have to agree with that...the Mexican just gives a little more bottom end strength. I would not push it that far either!
Not only does the "Hecho en Mexico" block have another 10lbs+ of material but it also has a thicker deck along with more material around the bore.................I wouldn't hesitate to push it past the 500hp level. If you could find some 4blt main caps (straight, not splayed) I'd push over 600hp, with the right blue printing/machine work. Just like an early 351w block, they are very stout for being factory.... Aside from the priority oiling system the block really needs (just like the early factory 351w) it was the inspiration for most of the people making aftermarket blocks today.............................IMHO
I completely agree...and don't think I'm pushing anywhere near that with mine. And I'm not expecting any factory block to live for any length of time running it like I will. I'd just like it to last until I decide whether to go with the MOW block, or the 351 based combo. With that being said...I also can see getting it put together and going, and getting the mindset's running good, why mess with it... Right up until it kicks a hole in the block and causes catastrophic damage lol...then it's WHY didn't I just swap everything over to a new block Unfortunately, I know how I think
Get it running, make some laps, back it off a little, go rounds. Simple. Dad's Thunderbird runs 8.80's but isn't as deadly as he needs it to be when competing against all these damn dragsters we have down here. So he backs it off to 9.40's and that damn thing is deadly. Plus, it lives a nice long life.