Really liking both cars. Great job on the bumper tuck ... perfect! Really nice job on stance and stuffing it full of tire, too. You definitely hit it with the wheel offsets and tire sizes. Do you mind sharing sizes?
My favorite photo. I came home to find this guy parked in my garage this weekend. The stance is great! I really miss the sound of those long tube headers.
I have seen and heard Ray's Maverick in person, that IS one sweet Maverick!! and if his son's Maverick is anything close to it (pretty sure it is) those are two very fine rides there!! Ray came by my house once to pick up some parts and that got me started on doing more to my Grabber, his car is an inspiration!!!
I really like that car in the Gray color. I almost went with something like that when I did my car. Almost wish i did, a little less flashy and more muscle. And who says you need a grabber hood? A flat mav hood with a comet Gt scoop looks great, I wouldnt trade mine for a grabber hood if it was given to me.
Thanks for every one for your kind comments. It still needs a lot of work but it's getting there. I bought the car in 06 from Terry Hawkins AKA (hawko) and as most of you know with your cars it has been anything but easy. But i figure it will be done just the way i want it somewhere around 2020. (If my wife doesn't kill me before then.) The color is GM dark stained silver metalic. Thanx Ray
What could be better than a father/son maverick team? I like the car stance/color, just looks mean sitting like that. I also like the flat hood, it doesn't even have to have the GT scoop, mine does but I like just a flat hood also.