Hello everyone!! Today i took apart the solenoid terminals, the battery hook ups and every other electrical terminal i could find. I went over them with a wire brush and it cleaned them up pretty nice!! I spent like 2 hours going through them thoroughly, and tested each line along with the starter and solenoid with a electrical tester to make sure they are indeed getting power. Well, i tried to start it, and nothin!! The fan will start to turn and it looks and sounds like its about tp turn over, but then there is a loud clicking noise, a hisssss, and then a whine. My dad thinks its either the solenoid or the started. I know its not the battery, because i just bought a new battery saturday of last week. What do you all think?? And maybe a recomendation of any replacement parts that could work if their is a problem with either one? or any other part that could be the problem? Thanks!
I just recently had this probelem with one of my Mavericks. I replaced the wire from the starter solenoid to the starter and that fixed it.
Alright! Me and my dad will have to jack it up a little to get under there today. I'll take out the starter and look it over. And if its a bad bendix, is their any way to fix the starter? Or should i just get a new starter to be safe?
Replacing the starter drive is not that difficult, but if you are not comfortable with doing that, you could get a remanufactured or new starter.
Okay, so i replaces the solenoid first to see if that was the actual problem... and i connected it wire for wire in the right order on the solenoid. And when i connected the negative wire to the battery.. their was a bright spark.. and then the engine started to jump forward and almost started!! I dont have the key in the ignition and thank god i had the prking brake on! What is going on here? Is the wireing wrong? A bad solenoid? or a short? It was fine yesterday, well somewhat, it wouldent start but at least i had to actually turn the ignition for something to happen!
Thank you for the picture... but i chhecked it over and over again. but it still is sparking and trying to start. My solenoid looks exacrly the same as yours, wires and all. Im gonna have to get my uncle to come over and help out. thank you for your help
While working finding a short in my wiring last year a freind switched the two wires on the solenoid and it started right up untile he yanked them off. Mines a 74 302 and if your facing the solenoid the green caps on the left front and blue right front of the solenoid. I ended up replacing the fusable links both which hook on my left on the side not front of the solenoid they were kind of puffy/fried from him doing that.