I need to know everything and anything people know about Acid Dipping… I heard this can be done but don’t know things like…. What’s the $$$ and What’s involved in the Acid Dip?.... Anyone done that? Do I have to remove every bolt or what? Can I keep my disc’s and spindles on? Lots of questions….
From what I've been told you have to remove every thing thats not metal. that means aluminium also. It is very costly. Who were you going to take it to. You probably would be better off getting it blasted off with the new kinds of blasting materials like baking soda, walnut shells,corn cobb, potasium nitrate. these are very successful in removeing the paint but not damaging anything. you dont have to remove any glass or chrome but a better job is done if they are removed as the person can get into all the cracks and crevices if they are, including under any rubber seals . then you will find all the bad stuff.Must be primered soon after or they start to rust again. No protection. check out your options before you get anything done.
It would need to be completely stripped to just the shell. All the seam sealer would need to be replaced when done ... Area's that were painted or primed prior to welding at the factory (inside the roof and quarter area, cowl area) would be bare metal after the dip ... I would think media plasting is better but it's up to you ..
media blasting same as sand blasting but its not as hard on the metal and other surrounding parts. Wont or usually wont damage glass or rubber or chrome parts like sand does. check it out. you will be impressed.
Acid dip would be my last choice. If the car is really really rusty, then that is the way. Only car I would acid dip is one that was pulled out of water. I redid a TA many years ago that was in salt water, contemplated the acid dip. I media blasted it, still looking good after all these years. Dan ps I did neutralize the rust on the inside with por 15 ps part 2,, the acid dip thing has gotten a really bad rap by the EPA. Also another reason so many platers have gone out of business.
Media blasting often uses a plastic media to strip the paint. Sand and other harder compounds get really hot when blasting. The plastic media will melt before warping your car's panels, where sand will alter the metal surfaces.
The ONLY way I recommend an acid dip for a body shell is if you have the money to go all the way with it. What I mean by that is having the same company perform that "electrocoat dip priming" or whatever it is called. That is the only way you are going to get 100% of the freshly bare metal protected again. Without it, you are like a fat woman in a bathtub- there will be places you just can't reach. Myself, I'd leave the acid dipping to things like suspension arms, rearend housings, etc.
Don't do it. If you are just trying to remove the old paint media blast. If you do not nutralize the seams and such, the acid seems to blead out and ruin a paint job and body work after it's done. Unless you are building a race car that will get a full cage and tube frame forget acid. It removes metal. When A/FX cars were the rage in the 60's they would dip the bodies to loose weight.
Wow Thanks… I need to check out this media blasting… My ¼’s are the worst… the floor pans and cowl’s are in superb condition(garaged all its life) …I go out and take some pics… Thanks for all the great advice and information…