Today I installed the trans-go 40-2 kit, everything went smoothly until I went to drive it and I only have first gear, even when its suppose to be in reverse... What would cause this?
Zach, check the manual control valve and make sure the lever is in the correct notch. Also, check the linkage adjustment and make sure the fluid is full and correct. Let us know how it goes.
"check the manual control valve and make sure the lever is in the correct notch." Whats the best way to do this?
Incorrect spring or check ball location incorrect linkage install in case etc With the said i really dont like transgo kits just a personall opinion i run one in my cavalier
Yup sounds like you didn't get the shifter linkage in the correct spot (notch) in the valve body and have it jammed in low Stupid question does it go into park and nutral ok?
Zach, you will have to drop the valve body and make sure the manual control valve (a long valve with different notches) is in the proper position. Your valve body instructions should show you where to put the valve. Make sure the manual control lever is in the right slot and the spring is in place. Don't have any examples, as I have a manual shift car. Hope this helps. BTW, you coming to the Stampede?
Ok thanks for the help I'll have to check it out..., Its in first in neutral as well, its either in park or first nothing else. I wish I could make it to the stampede but my Sister and Brother-in law are flying into town Saturday. I'm planning/hoping to go to Chattanooga on the 21st if your going to that.