My maverick stopped starting without a jump in october and i didn't really have time to work on it with wrestling and school i had almost no free time. The car has sat untouched since and today i tried to fix it but i cant figure out what the problem is. if i hook the jump box up to the battery and turn the key the engine turns over every few seconds and some times it doesn't turn over but just makes a noise that sounds like its trying to turn over but cant. the battery tested at 1.33 volts would that prevent the jump box from working? I had the starter tested today and brought the alternator along just in case, they tested ok and so i put them back in but im not sure what the problem is, any ideas?
Yes...Try charging the battery. Unless is been dead long enough to be frozen due to cold temps. If so, get a new battery. 1.3 volts isnt enough for a jump to work. Battery needs to have at least 8 volts for a jump to work, and at least 12.6 volts to effectively turn the engine over and start on its own...
i thought it was the battery but wasn't sure. ill get a new one tomorrow but theres a problem with the wiring that i need to work out. the battery doesn't charge while the car is running so it always ends up running out of juice or just shorting out.