I was out cruising in the 76 Comet on Friday and the A/C compressor decided to lock up on me. I'm a younger, less experienced gear head so I've found myself in a bit of a pickle. I have enough common knowledge to know that the a/c can be bypassed. I also know that some people use bypass pulleys in place of their compressor. The bad thing is that I cannot find one for the Comet. This leaves me with about 3 questions: 1) Does anyone know where a bypass pulley can be located? I will gladly purchase it from you. 2) Will non-a/c belts fit currently? Or will I have to get a custom belt or similar. 3) Which way is better for HP, MPG and my motor. Details; 1976 Mercury Comet with the straight six under the hood. If anymore information is needed just let me know and I'll do what I can! Thanks for all your help ahead of time!
you shouldnt need a bypass pully, just remove the compressor and order belts for a non AC car, thats what I did back when I had a six. I also used an alternator bracket from an early 70's car. you'll be able to tell the difference with the AC compressor out
So I will need to mount the alternator differently than it is now? I appreciate the insight on the belts. I thought that would work, but I wasn't positive. Just that much closer to having her back on the road!
Like he said, you can leave the alternator mounted as it is now. You'll just have a large unoccupied mounting plate on top of it without the compressor. Thats how my first six was until I blew it up.
It does look a little funky without the ac compressor there and just the alternator. Would be a good place to mount a turbo!