Why thank you! I see nothing escapes your notice and now I know that I can count on you to re-educate me, should I regress to illiteracy... May I have your permission to serve as a playful antagonist?
Ok, did one last valve setting today and will be taking the motor to Dinan on Friday. Should get it installed and ready to fire up for the first time next Monday, warm it up check for leaks and readjust the valves and timing then start making some pulls and doing so tuning. I have list of stuff to take and need to buy some stuff..................but should have some figures by mid next week................................we are off to the races!!!!!!!!!! Here is the dyno I will taking it to, I don't need a starter and my headers will fit.....................
I took the motor to the dyno shop today, WOW!, kind of like I was a celebrity.................everyone in the place wanted to see the motor and ask questions..............Dusty Renteria(his father and brothers race a 6sec ProMod 4dr Valiant....see picture) is Dinan's machine shop and dyno guy and will be mounting the 408 to dyno and doing all of the tuning work. He told me that they very seldom get "pushrod motors" on the dyno, that could explain why everyone from the receptionest to the guys in the shop were so interested in the motor. As he showed me around the shop all I saw were 12hour/24hour Rolex challange trophies, BMW motors, race cars.................and the place is so clean you could eat off the floor, table tops, walls and ceilings..................incredible place. It looks like the motor will be installed on the dyno early next week........I will take video and pictures during startup and dyno pulls. As I said before, I'm really excited and really nervous all at the same time. The Renteria brothers have a thing for Valiants, race the 4dr, have a very nice 4dr wagon as tow car and Dusty drives a 2dr.....................Everything I ever said against 4dr cars is totally out the window......4drs do look good! http://bangshift.com/blog/video-blown-doorslammers-in-action-at-the-2009-march-meet.html
OK, the time has finally come..................we set it up on the dyno tomorrow and run her on Sunday.............................................
OK, well have a somewhat productive day today. Got it setup, warmed up and seated the rings. Seems pretty responsive. Got it hotter, shut it down and set the valves................was right on with 50% and .004/.006 off on others...........no bench mark for setting cold though. Changed plugs to 33's as the 32's were too cold, the jets are 92's on all four corners. Timing was around 32. First pull was to 5000rpm............489.3HP, 513.9ftlbs with 60psi oil pressure (it was around 75 cold), left bank @11.81 and right @11.3. Then we took it up to 5500rpm...........549.2HP and 524.4ftlbs with 60psi oil pressure..........left bank was @11.5 and right was @11.3. I don't think we are going to reach my goal........just can't see 150/200hp more by 7500rpm. My guess now is around 660hp......................bummer! I may have gone too conservative on the cam as I wanted peak power @ just under 7000rpm....................we will see. This was somewhat disappointing as I though we would be closer to 600HP at 5500rpm. Will know more later..................half a days work.
I agree it's giving up some, but I don't think more than 20HP...........we are in the ball park.........and didn't want to do much until the motor is warmed at least a couple of times. Today will tell!
Well.......................the day is over and the motor should come off tomorrow. So, to recap we started out with 550hp and 525ftlbs yesterday. I won't go through the whole day but we did about 12 pulls before we broke the carb............yes, for some unknown reason we twisted the secondary throttle plate and couldn't get the motor to repsond anymore. It was getting late and no place was open to get spare parts.....doubt I could have found them anyway) so we decided to call it a day and half. Were did we end up. Well.....................we made 640HP at a peak of 6800rpm and AFR was 13.1 on the left bank and 12.6 on the right bank. Peak Torque was at 5800rpm and made 542ftlbs. We ended up with the spark plugs being 33's @ .40 gap and timing at 34 degrees. I think with some more fine tuning once I get it in the car I may be able to get to 650HP which is less than I expected.......................but it is what is! So we will get it in the car, break-in the trans, get it aligned and get out having some fun. Oh Yes, the person closest was Darren (love you car) and I will donate the money in his name................................so, I guess it was a productive weekend.
You may try dropping the RH corner jets down 1 size and it should even up the afr Or add a 1" spacer and see how it responds not bad numbers
Good suggestions and we just ran out of time to try that, but when I get the carb back together I will start out with 1 size down. Already had a 1" spacer, and tried it without and lost almost 35HP. Didn't have another 1" spacer or would have tried 2"total, but again ran out of time. So, how's the motor coming?