hey guy's New owner here Just picked up a 1970 Maverick and going to be doing my first ever restore never really done this before so lots of manual reading and asking questions. Friend of mine has suggesting replacing the points with an electric distributor but mentioned because of a coil replacing I would need to do some extra wiring can anyone help
Hi from Manitoba. Regina is my stomping grounds. still have a sister there. no help to you on the points, but glad to have another prairie Canadian on the board. p.s. we love pictures around here.
here is a couple pics Some cracking on the hood and rust on the rear well Need to figure the engine I was told it's a 69' 5.0L Mustang FastBack Silly question on the left side behind the air filter what is the hole. I know it's not plugged up
So another silly question if I've decoded the serial code it says the top is from a 83 mustang v8 so does this mean I already have an electric distribuator
take off the distributor cap, if you see this it's electrical if you see this it's points. If it's a points type a duraspark swap will only run you like $10 using junkyard parts, and it makes just as much power as the $100-200 conversion modules you can buy.