Wondering if any one has a easy way or advise for a stuck door The door unlocks with the key but won't open from inside or outside How do I get the panels off without opening the door itself any big gotchas I should be watching for?
That is going to be a tough one. If it was me, I would remove the front seat, then remove the door panel and take a look-see and see what the problem is. You might be able to get the door panel off with the seat in place. Either way, the door panel needs to come off.
I had this problem one time. I had locked the passenger door and then unlocked it and never could get it open again. Fought with it for awhile. Then one day I locked it again and pushed the lock tab on the inside down. Turns out it wasn't locking all the way and somehow that kept it from coming unlocked.
Thanks tried that and nothing. Also noticed previous own must have tried to get panel of it's got a slight rip
finally the door is working for now but will look and stripping the mechanism and cleaning it properly Got the right socket driver and panel tool from princess auto and then from inside could see everything moving so sprayed with penetrant lube and now it works Thanks for all help and advise sorry I know been asking so much on the forum
Don't feel bad about asking, everyone is here to learn and share Glad to hear you got the problem fixed, I had the same issue and did what you did took it apart and cleaned and re-lubed all the internal mech's working great now!